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Chapter 13 Noli Me Tangere – “Signs of Storm” (SUMMARY) CHAPTER 13 NOLI ME TANGERE – Here is the full summary of Chapter 13 of Noli Me Ta

Chapter 13 Noli Me Tangere – “Signs of Storm” (SUMMARY)

CHAPTER 13 NOLI ME TANGERE – Here is the full summary of Chapter 13 of Noli Me Tangere written by Dr. Jose Rizal.

The novel is one of the connected novels that were written by the Philippine national hero Jose Rizal (full name Jose Protacio Mercado Rizal y Alonzo Realonda).

He wrote the novel to make Filipinos see the abuse of power the priests show during the Spanish Colonization period.The novel has 64 chapters. We are going to read the thirteenth chapter.

Chapter 13 is entitled “Signs of Storm”. Here is the summary of the Chapter:

Ibarra head to the supposed graveyard where Don Rafael rests with an elder. The elder told Ibarra that Captain Tiago has built a niche for his father and planted flowers like oleander and sampaguita and placed a cross.

Ibarra saw a grave digger and asked the latter for the location of his father’s grave. The digger immediately remembered what the young man meant and told him that under Friar Garrote’s orders, he burned the cross and threw Don Rafael’s corpse to the lake.

Ibarra felt grief while the elderly wept. Ibarra couldn’t imagine the atrocities done to his father’s corpse.

He left the graveyard and encountered Friar Salvi. He did not know the friar yet he confronted him and asked him why was this done to his father,

Salvi, frightened, answered and pointed his finger to Friar Damaso. Ibarra regained his senses and left the friar despite not asking for forgiveness to the latter who was framed.

READ ALSO:Chapter 12 – All Saints/Todos Los SantosChapter 14 – Tasio: Lunatic or Sage


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"Chapter 13 Noli Me Tangere – “Signs of Storm” (SUMMARY) CHAPTER 13 NOLI ME TANGERE – Here is the full summary of Chapter 13 of Noli Me Ta" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 1137 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 September 2021.
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