As provided for in DepEd Order No.8, s.2011, Policies and Guidelines on
the Implementation of GASTPE effective SY 2011-2012, specifically Item D
on the Allocation of Slots, the DepEd Office of Planning Service was
determined the distribution of First Year High School Slots to
GASTPE-participating high schools based on the normal carrying capacity
of public secondary schools.
The number of First Year slots is based on the number of First Year grantees in the previous school year (existing slots) as well as additional slots, which may be given to participating private high schools in areas where there is serious overcrowding. The distribution of First Year Slots by region and by divisions is attached to this Memorandum. The Regional Program Committee (RPcom) shall determine the distribution of additional slots per GASTPE-participating school on the basis of need. A report on the distribution and utilization of slots shall be forwarded to the Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE), which shall then render a report to the DepEd Central Office, through the Bureau of Secondary Education, on or before July 30, 2011. -
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