To facilitate implementation of the provisions of this Order, the enclosed Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Selection and Hiring of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Literacy Volunteers are hereby issued.
All existing Orders and Memoranda inconsistent with this Memorandum are rescinded. These guidelines will remain in force and effect during the duration of the program, unless sooner repealed, amended or rescinded.
For inquiries and other concerns, please contact the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS), DepEd Central Office, 3rd Floor Mabini Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no.: (02) 635-51-89 or at e-mail address:
Revised Implementing Guidelines on Selection and Hiring of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Literacy Volunteers
1.0 Purpose
The Alternative Learning System (ALS) Literacy Volunteer Program is a project of the Department of Education - Bureau of Alternative Learning System created under DepED Memorandum No. 369, s. 2009 entitled "Establishing a Literacy Volunteer Program". This program was conceptualized to respond to the basic learning needs of the increasing number of out-of-school children, youth and adults. ALS Literacy Volunteers are to be deployed in target sites nationwide to deliver ALS initiatives specifically those under the Basic Literacy and Accreditation and Equivalency Programs.
The revised guidelines shall provide the criteria for selection, hiring and deployment of literacy volunteers, functions and responsibilities of various program implementers as well as fund allocation, release and disbursement.
2.0 Coverage
Recipient Divisions in all Regions nationwide were identified to be the target sites of the program implementation. The List of Targets Sites for the ALS Literacy Volunteer Program is attached as Annex 1.
3.0 Definition of Terms
For purposes of these guidelines, the following terms shall be construed to mean as follows:
3.1 Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program - is an assessment program that caters to the elementary and secondary formal school drop-outs.
3.2 Basic Literacy Program (BLP) - is an intensive community-based training program for illiterate out-of-school youth and adults, who are willing to learn basic literacy skills.3.3 Community Learning Center (CLC) - is where the teaching-learning process takes place between the learners and the literacy volunteer.3.4 Contract of Service - is the legal document that contains the agreement between the Literacy Volunteer and the Department of Education for the fulfillment of the ALS Literacy Volunteer Program.3.5 Literacy Volunteer - a person who willingly commits to deliver ALS programs to out-of-school children, youth and in a specific community within his/her area of residence.3.6 Program Implementers - refers to the ALS supervisors in the Central, Regional and Division Levels, District ALS Coordinators, Mobile Teachers, Instructional Managers, Facilitators and Literacy Volunteers.
4.0 Mechanics for Selection, Hiring and Deployment
The criteria below shall be followed in the Selection, Hiring and Deployment of Literacy Volunteers for ALS Programs:
4.1 Qualifications for the ALS Literacy Volunteer
- A professional teacher (LET passer)
- A resident of the target community/division
- Ability to speak the language of the community (mother tongue/regional language)
- Willing to undergo training on ALS
- In good physical condition
- Has good public relations
4.2 Selection and Hiring Guidelines
- A Selection Committee shall be formed by the Schools Division Superintendent. Existing selection committees may be utilized.
- All application letters shall be received and screened at the Division Office.
- Names of successful applicants must be posted or published by the Division Office
4.3 Deployment
4.3.1 The duration of the Contract shall be for ten (10) months only. 4.3.2 Upon Hiring, the ALS Literacy Volunteer will: sign a ten-month contract of service between the Schools Division Superintendent and the literacy volunteer (see Annex 2: Contract of Service); Attend an orientation meeting conducted by the Division Office regarding:
- Barangay assignment
- Team assignment
- Reporting system
- Schedule of work
- Roles, responsibilities, expected outputs
- Other pertinent matters undergo an intensive training conducted by selected Regional Core of Trainers and BALS trainers.4.3.3 During the implementation period, the Regional and Division Office will: ensure that the volunteers receive stipend and allowances on time; submit necessary reports required; attend meetings, seminars, conferences as required.
5.0 Functions and Responsibilities of Program Implementers
5.1 ALS Supervisors
5.1.1 BALS Central Office
- Prepare a general memorandum on the establishment of a Literacy Volunteer Program, as well as the implementing guidelines.
- Allocate and download funds for the literacy volunteers.
- Monitor and evaluate program implementation in the target sites.
- Submit regular program reports to the Office of the Secretary.
5.1.2 Regional Office
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the ALS Literacy Volunteer Program and the performance of the literacy volunteers.
- Consolidate evaluation reports of District and Division Offices into a regional report and submit to BALS.
5.1.3 Division Office
- Contract the Service of the literacy volunteer using the contract format in Annex 2.
- Publish the result of the evaluation of volunteer applicants before awarding the contract.
- Provide an orientation free of charge to the literacy volunteers before the actual teaching-learning process commences.
- Provide one (1) set of core modules and core competencies for BLP and A&E (Elementary/Secondary) free of charge to the literacy volunteers.
- Conduct monitoring/evaluation at midpoint and end-of-contract period.
- Consolidate evaluation reports of the District Offices into a division report and submit evaluation of the performance of learners to the Regional Office. Enclosed as Annex 3 is the form Profile of Literacy Volunteers to be filled up by the Division Offices and to be submitted by the Regional Offices to the Central Office for the final list of Literacy Volunteers.
- Issue a certificate of completion or termination of service of the contracted literacy volunteers in accordance with the evaluation of the District Offices.
5.2 ALS Literacy Volunteers5.2.1 Advocacy and Community Organization and Mobilization
- Coordinate with community leaders to identify potential learners and organizes learning groups for Basic literacy Program and Accreditation and Equivalency System.
- Advocate ALS programs and networks with other government organizations, non-government organizations and other peoples organizations for potential support and/or partnership.
- Establish functional networking and reporting system.
5.2.2 Conduct of Learning Sessions at the Community Learning Centers
- Organize a learning group composed of fifty (50) learners or more.
- Determine learning needs of learners.
- Conduct evaluation to determine the entry and exit level of learners.
- Conduct learning sessions using ALS learning modules and supplementary materials for at least ten (10) months in a year.
- Devise plans and implements them in order to sustain gains of learners from the ALS programs.
- Conduct home visits, individual tutorials, counseling and other need-driven activities in an effort to retain and win the learners back to the literacy sessions.
5.2.3 Progress Reporting
- Submit a quarterly report to the Public Schools District Supervisor copy furnished DO, RO and BALS on the learner's performance and activities conducted.
- Participate in the learning action cells meetings coordinated by the District ALS Coordinator (DALSC) as designated by the Public Schools District Supervisor (PSDS).
6.0 Funds Allocation, Release and Disbursement
6.1 Funds for the stipend and allowances of ALS Literacy Volunteer shall be provided, as follows:
Particulars Computation Amount Stipend P5,000.00 x 10 months P50,000.00 Teaching Aid P5,000.00 P5,000.00 Transportation Allowance P2,000.00 x 10 months P20,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET (per volunteer) P75,000.00
6.2 Upon release of the allotment by Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to DepEd- CO, the Budget Division-FMS shall issue the Sub-Allotment Release Order (Sub-ARO) through the Schools Division Offices.
6.3 After receipt of Sub-ARO, the IUs and the concerned Division Offices (for the Non-IUs) shall request from DBM-Regional Office the corresponding cash requirements or Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA).6.4 The Division Offices will disburse the said funds directly to the literacy volunteer based on the official list of literacy volunteers of the division following the conditions below:
- No withholding tax shall be deducted from the amount allocated to the literacy volunteer;
- No receipts shall be required to claim the teaching aid funds;
- No Reimbursement Expenses Receipt (RER) nor Certificate of Appearance shall be required to claim transportation allowance;
- A General Payroll to document disbursements shall be prepared by the Education Supervisor I in charge of ALS, noted by the Schools Division Superintendent; and
- Receipt of funds by the literacy volunteers shall be reported to Central Office on a quarterly basis.
7.0 Utilization of Funds
Utilization of the subsidy shall be subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
8.0 Effectivity
All existing Orders and Memoranda inconsistent with this Order are rescinded. These guidelines will remain in force and effect during the duration of the program, unless sooner repealed, amended or rescinded.
Downloadable Forms:
- Download List of Target Sites of the ALS Literacy Volunteer Program - Annex 1
- Download Contract of Service - Annex 2
- Download Profile of ALS Literacy Volunteers - Annex 3