GEOGRAPHY– In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the study of places and relationships between human and their surroundings.
As mentioned above, geography is referred to as the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.
It is also referred to as the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets.Those who study or are specialized in this field, known as geographers, explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it.
They also fixate on the way human culture interacts with the natural environment, as well as how locations and places give an impact on humans, according to NatGeo.
There are five themes of this study, namely:
Locationrefers to the location of the places within the Earth. Placerefers to the area defined by everything in it. All places have features that give them personality.Human-environment interactionthis describes how people interact with the environment, and how the environment responds. Movementrefers to the travel of people, goods, and ideas from one location to another, or political events.Regionrefers to areas with distinctive characteristics: human characteristics, such as demographics or politics, and physical characteristics, such as climate and vegetation.
BranchesThere are two main branches of this study, namely:
Physicalrefers to the study of Earth’s seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans.Humanthis, on the other hand, refers to the study of the distribution of networks of people and cultures on Earth’s surface.
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