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DepEd School Sports Events & Activities Unit (SSEAU)

In order to enhance the school sports program of the Department of Education (DepEd) and to improve the coordination of various school sports events and activities at the local, national and international levels, a new unit shall be created and named as School Sports Events and Activities Unit (SSEAU), in lieu of the Task Force on School Sports (TFSS).
The SSEAU shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
  1. manage the conduct of the Palarong Pambansa and all other school sports events and activities at the local, national and international levels involving pupils/students in public and private elementary and secondary schools;
  2. develop after school sports programs to provide pupils/students an equal opportunity to learn, to play and to enjoy a variety of team and individual sports;
  3. coordinate with persons/units at the DepEd Central Office and in regional and division offices and non-DepEd offices which are designated to handle sports matters; and
  4. serve as the Secretariat of the Palarong Pambansa Board.
The present TFSS members who are affected by this dissolution are hereby directed to return to their mother units.

Undersecretary (Usec) Rizalino D. Rivera as Vice Chairman of the Palarong Pambansa Board and Assistant Secretary (Asec) Tonisito M.C. Umali as Officer-in-Charge of the School Sports Development Program of DepEd are hereby authorized to designate the new members of the SSEAU.

In lieu of the TFSS, the SSEAU shall be under the supervision of Asec Umali, pusuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 5, s. 2011 entitled Designation of Assistant Secretary Tonisito M.C. Umali as Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the School Sports Development Program.

The Office Order entitled Creating a Task Force on Schools Sports dated January 2, 2001 and the Office Order entitled Addendum to Office Order dated January 19, 2011 are hereby repealed. All other DepEd Memoranda and Orders which are inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed, modified or amended accordingly. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"DepEd School Sports Events & Activities Unit (SSEAU)" was written by Mary under the Sports category. It has been read 6157 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 13 October 2011.
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