As a fan of HBO, Starmovies and Sports channels, I really love watching movies and sports. That's why I cannot avoid to subscribe to a cable tv service provider. I'm a subscriber of both cable tv service providers: Cignal and SkyCable. I'm using my 40" LCD TV. Do you know which cable tv provider has a better video quality?
From what I observed Cignal has a better video quality than SkyCable. Here's my video quality comparison (SD channels) of both cable tv providers:

I know you want to enjoy a better viewing experience. From what I've observed and notice, video quality of SkyCable has more noise and big pixels. Cignal offers very clear, crisp and better video quality than SkyCable. But SkyCable offers a lot more channels than Cignal. It's a matter of quality versus quantity.
My experience actually supports the result of the 2012 AGB Nielsen Clarity Test that Cignal offers a "very clear video".
I hope this helps a lot for your choice of cable tv provider. Are you a subscriber of Cignal or SkyCable? Which do you think offers a better video quality? -
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"Cignal vs SkyCable Video Quality: Which is better?" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 18938 times and generated 6 comments. The article was created on 17 May 2013 and updated on 17 May 2013.