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How to Use the Symbols for Feet and Inches (′ ′′) on Your Computer or Mobile Device

How to Use the Symbols for Feet and Inches (′ ′′) on Your Computer or Mobile Device
"""“How tall are you?” If this question were posed to you, you would typically respond with your height expressed in feet and inches. Take, for instance, 5 feet 9 inches. But how would you record your height in feet and inches if you had to? Learn how to correctly type the feet and inches symbols on your computer or mobile device in this article. ,'_com-box-3','ezslot_4',183,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-3-0');
Until the 19th century, when the metric system became widely used, the English system of measurement was the global de facto standard. In the United States, the English system of measurement has always been the preferred method of measurement. Instead of meters and grams as in the metric system, this system uses imperial units like the inch, foot, mile, pound, and gallon.
Even though the metric system of measurement has been officially adopted in most countries, many people still use the English system, especially when determining height and length. A person's height, for instance, is typically listed in feet and inches rather than meters. ,'_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',191,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-3-0');
Learn how to type the foot and inch symbols in your documents and correspondence if you frequently use feet and inches rather than meters as measurement. For instance, if your height is 5 feet 9 inches, you could write 5′ 9 inches with these symbols instead.
It's possible that you're wondering why you'll need to learn how to type these characters when they're supposed to be available on standard QWERTY keyboards. This is due to the fact that the quotation marks (apostrophes) single (') and double (') commonly used to denote feet and inches are not the appropriate symbols for these units of measurement.
The single prime symbol (′) is the symbol for feet, while the double prime symbol (′′) is the symbol for inches. Many people mistakenly use the single and double apostrophes to denote feet and inches because of their resemblance to the apostrophe.300,250],'_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',192,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-4-0');
Despite the fact that these are not the correct symbols, the majority of people do not have any issues with using quotation marks or apostrophes to denote feet and inches. Apostrophes are a permanent fixture on modern computer keyboards due to their significance to language, whereas the single and double prime symbols are absent. Therefore, typing quotation marks on the keyboard rather than using keyboard shortcuts can help you save time.
This article will teach you how to type or insert the correct symbols for feet and inches using keyboard shortcuts and free software like the Character Map if you want to use them. Additionally, you will learn how to type feet and inches on your phone.
Table of ContentsFeet and Inches Symbols Copy and PasteHow to Type the Feet and Inches Symbols on the Windows KeyboardHow to Type the Foot Symbol on the Windows KeyboardHow to Type the Inch Symbol on the Windows KeyboardHow to Type the Feet Symbol on the Windows KeyboardHow to Type the Inch Symbol on the Windows KeyboardHow to Type the Feet Symbol in Microsoft WordHow to Type the Feet Symbols in Google DocsHow to Insert Copy and Paste the Feet Symbol ′ Copy and Paste the Inches Symbol ′′ How to Type the Feet and Inches Symbols on the Windows Keyboard Using keyboard shortcuts is the easiest way to type the feet and inches symbols. To paste the symbol into a document or application, right-click on it and select ""Paste."" This will only function properly if your keyboard has a numeric keypad or number pad, which is typically on the right side of the keyboard. 3336,280],'_com-box-4','ezslot_7',193,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-4-0');
How to Type the Foot Symbol on the Windows Keyboard The Alt + 8242 key combination is the feet symbol's keyboard shortcut.
To type the feet symbol on your computer's keyboard, follow these steps:
By pressing Num Lock, the numerical keypad will be activated. Place the insertion point or cursor in your document where the feet sign will appear. Press and hold the Alt key. On the number pad, quickly type 8242 while holding down the Alt key. Verify that your document contains the feet symbol, also known as the prime symbol.

How to Use the Inch Keyboard Shortcut Alt + 8243 to Type the Inch Character on the Windows Keyboard
To type the inches symbol on your computer's keyboard, follow these steps: 300,250], ""_com-banner-1,"" ""ezslot_9,"" 194, ""0,"" ""0"","" ""div-gpt-ad-_com-banner-1-0,""
Tap the Num Lock key to activate the number pad. Place the insertion point or cursor in your document where the inch sign will appear. Press and hold the Alt key. On the number pad, quickly type 8243 while holding down the Alt key. Check to see if your document contains the inch (or double prime) symbol.

How to Use Microsoft Word's Feet and Inches Keyboard Shortcuts The Windows keyboard shortcuts we discussed earlier are also applicable to Microsoft Word. However, Word's built-in symbol insertion tool also lets you insert the feet and inches symbols. If you have trouble remembering the keyboard shortcuts, use this feature.
On the main menu, click the Insert tab to get started. After that, place the insertion point—also known as the blinking cursor—where the symbol will go.

Next, select the Symbol icon on the menu's right side.
Click More Symbols if the feet and inches symbols do not appear in the drop-down menu. 3336,280],'','ezslot_11',195,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad--0');

All of the symbols and special characters that can be added to your Word document are now visible. On the Subset dropdown, select ""General Punctuation"" to locate the feet and inches symbols.
Select the symbol to highlight it, then click Insert to place it in your document. For the feet sign, use the shortcut keys 2032, Alt, and X, while for the inch sign, use the shortcut keys 2033, Alt, and X.

By clicking the Shortcut Key button, you can even set a custom shortcut key. You can change the default shortcut key for the feet symbol, which is Alt + X (or Alt + 8242), to Alt + F, for instance. This makes it easier to remember and type the feet and inches symbols.,,_;
How to Type the Feet and Inches Symbols in Google Docs Like Microsoft Word, Google Docs has a built-in character insertion feature that makes it simple to add special characters and symbols.
To begin, select Special characters from the drop-down menu after clicking Insert.

All of the symbols and special characters that can be added to Google Docs will be displayed in a dialog box. Select ""Math"" from the dropdown menu that appears after the ""Symbol"" field to quickly locate the symbols for feet and inches. You can also type ""prime"" into the search field to find these symbols.
The prime symbol (′) appears in the feet sign, while the double prime symbol (′′) appears in the inch sign. The symbol will be added to your Google Docs document right away when you click it. 336,280],'_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_14',197,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');

How to Use Character Map to Insert the Feet and Inches Symbols If the keyboard shortcut method does not work for you, you can use the Character Map app to insert the foot and inch symbols. On your Windows computer, the free software The Character Map is installed by default. It makes it possible to locate and copy any Windows symbol or character.
Click the Windows Start button in the bottom-left corner of the screen to start the application. Click Windows Accessories after going down the list of applications, followed by Character Map.
Additionally, you can use the Windows search box to type ""Character Map.""

To enable character searching, check the ""Advanced view"" box once the Character Map app is launched. Type ""prime"" into the Search for field, then click Search to quickly locate the feet and inches symbols.336,280],'_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',198,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');
The prime symbol (′) denotes feet, while the double prime symbol (′′) denotes inches. To highlight the symbol (it will appear in the Characters to copy field), click on it. Copy the symbol to the clipboard by clicking Select and then Copy.
Copy the copied symbol back into your document by right-clicking and selecting Paste, or by pressing Ctrl + V. How to Type the Feet and Inches Symbols on an Android Smartphone Rather than using a computer, use an Android smartphone. The feet and inches symbols are available on the default Android keyboard, Gboard, so you're in luck.
The location where the symbol will be inserted should be the insertion point or cursor. Tap the? on the Android keyboard. 123 key. To display additional symbols, tap the = key. To see the prime and double prime symbols, long press the degree symbol (°). For feet, choose the prime symbol (′) and for inches, choose the double prime symbol (′′). Verify that the appropriate symbol was used.

How to Type the Foot and Inch Symbols in HTML If you're a web developer or designer, you can use HTML code to insert the feet and inches symbols into your pages.
""prime;"" is the HTML code for the feet or prime symbol. ″.580,400],'_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',199,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-leader-2-0'); additionally, the HTML code for the double prime symbol or inches is
Conclusion Using Microsoft Word and Google Docs' character insertion features and keyboard shortcuts, typing the feet and inches symbols need not be difficult. You can always copy and paste the symbols from this page for convenience.
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"How to Use the Symbols for Feet and Inches (′ ′′) on Your Computer or Mobile Device" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 605 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 February 2023.
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