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How to Make Equal Sign in Android Keyboard?

Did you find it hard to find the EQUAL sign (=) in your Android Keyboard? Finding and making an EQUAL sign (=) in Android is so simple. Here's the two-quick steps in making an equal sign in android:
How to Make Equal Sign in Android Keyboard

Step 1.

Click the Sym (stands for Symbol).

Step 2

Basic and useful symbols will be shown. And find and click the EQUAL sign (=).

That's it. So simple.

Alternative Option/Trick

If you can't find the equal sign in your android phone, another option in creating an equal sign (=) is to copy any of the EQUAL signs below and paste them anywhere you want. Choose according to sizes:

=  =  =  =  =  =  =  

And don't forget to bookmark this page for future reference.

Do you still have a problem finding the equal sign of your android phone? Tell us in the comment below. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Make Equal Sign in Android Keyboard?" was written by Mary under the Mobile Phones category. It has been read 5402 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 September 2017.
Total comments : 2
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Terri Horn [Entry]

I just got a new phone. To connect to wireless I need to use the = sign as part of the password but will not allow me to do so. It is greyed out. Can you assist me?