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LandBank Inactive/Dormant Account?

How can a LandBank account (Passbook or ATM) be considered dormant or inactive account? According to LandBank's Deposit Account Terms and Conditions:

"The Bank will classify the Account as DORMANT when it becomes inactive or has no transactions (deposits or withdrawals) for two (2) years for Savings Account and one (1) year for Current Account."


Are there any charges for DORMANT account?

Yes. LandBank imposes Php 200 per month for dormant accounts.

So, to avoid dormancy charges, you must have at least one transaction (deposit or withdrawal) :

  • within a year for Current Account
  • within two years for Savings Account (like ATM/Passbook).

Do you have a dormant LandBank account? Tell us what problem(s) you encounter with your dormant account?

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"LandBank Inactive/Dormant Account?" was written by Mary under the Banking category. It has been read 16166 times and generated 15 comments. The article was created on and updated on 07 February 2020.
Total comments : 15
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Rodulfo C Bungalon Jr [Entry]

how to reactivate my dormant GSIS atm account?
Rodulfo C Bungalon Jr [Entry]

my GSIS issued atm was being dormant what should I do since I applied for a calamity loan?
lovelymaematias [Entry]

how to active my dormant atm card
Josana [Entry]

How to reactivate my dormant landbank account if i am overseas?
loreto gabawa jr. [Entry]

FYI, as of April 24, 2017 the fee is now 30php/month. here is the link, look under Dormancy Fee section: https://www.landbank.com/deposits/peso/savings/atm-savings-account
Joesy B. Flores [Entry]

How can i reactivate my dormant account? (Personal Savings) My son filed loan in SSS and he use my dormant landbank account for the disbursement of the money. Can we claim the money over the counter for this? Any response. Thank you.
Maria Fatima A. Lawagom [Entry]

How can i reactivate my dormant account landbank issued umid card form gsis?
Ainah [Entry]

Can I activate my dormant account again by depositing on it even if it's not the branch I enrolled it to?
Cherrie Mae Badua [Entry]

Do landbank give notice to atm holders before issuing dormancy? And can I recover closed atm accounts?
Catherine villa domingo [Entry]

How can i reactivate my dormant account in Umid id?
Cherry Ann Paris [Entry]

How can i activate dormant account with landbank?
Guest [Entry]

Cherry Ann Paris, go to a LandBank branch and ask for the status of your LandBank account and if your account is not CLOSED, you can deposit to that account and use that account again.
Melvin Bolaron [Entry]

What are we going if my landbank card are not going to balance inquire of my savings ..and i dont know how to activate the password of my card.thank you and God Bless
Kay M. Baguingan [Entry]

Please kindly furnish me a copy of resolution activiting dormant account at land bank of the philippines