I think most BDO credit card holders pay their credit card bills to a BDO branch over-the-counter.
For new BDO credit card holders, this will be your guide when you pay your credit card bill over-the-counter. Actually, no requirements needed. Why? Just the payment of your credit card bill is enough because the bank knows about your credit card bill.

Step 1
To make the payment transaction faster, prepare the following:
- Amount Due of Outstanding Balance - the amount of your credit card bill. If you don't know this, you can simply ask the BDO bank teller regarding your credit card bill.
- BDO Credit Card - bring this card when you go to the BDO branch. If you forgot this card, make sure you know or you have a copy of your BDO Credit Card Number
Step 2
Go to a BDO branch, get a BDO Bills Payment Slip (color orange form/slip). Fill-out this form. Just leave those fields blank if you don't know what to fill-out and you can ask help to the bank teller when it's already your turn.
Step 3
In some cases, wait in line. If it's your turn, go to the teller and pay your credit card bill over-the-counter after waiting in line.
If you have questions, just tell us in the comment below.
Tips and Recommendations
Do you know that you can pay your BDO Credit Card Bill Online? I mean, you don't need to go to a BDO branch. You can pay by simply logging-in to BDO's website and go to Pay Bills section. But you need to register first to BDO's website.
I recommend you utilize this BDO online banking facility where you can access your BDO accounts, credit card account, checking accounts, stock trading account, or pay bills, transfer money to other people's account or to another different bank.
That will save you a lot of time and also money. Convenience is at your fingertips with BDO's online banking facility!
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/