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Pauline C. Tan resigns as Arthaland Corporation's Director

In the disclosure letter of Arthaland Corporation (ALCO) dated March 29, 2012, the Board of Directors accepted with regrets the resignation of Ms. Pauline C. Tan as a regular director of Arthaland Corporation (ALCO).
Ms. Tan resigned due to her medical situation as she said through her letter to Arthaland Corporation, "Due to my medical situation, I am unable to continue attending to my responsibilities as a Director of Arthaland Corporation. I therefore regret to inform you that I am tendering my resignation from the Company to which I have been elected as a director, effective immediately upon receipt of this letter."

As the Board of Directors of Arthaland Corp. still constituted a quorum, Mr. Ricardo T. Po was elected to replace Ms. Pauline C. Tan after the Nomination Committee convened a meeting and vetted his qualifications. He shall serve as director for the unexpired portion of the term of Ms. Tan. Mr. Po holds one (1) ALCO common share in his name.
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"Pauline C. Tan resigns as Arthaland Corporation's Director" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 2319 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 30 March 2012.
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