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How to Get Senior Citizens' Purchase Booklet for Grocery Items and Agricultural Products in Cebu

This service is available for senior citizens of Cebu City only. The objective is to provide the senior citizen with said booklet in order for him/her to avail of the five percent (5%) discount in the purchase of selected prime commodities or basic necessities (grocery items and agricultural products.) The end result of the service is to comply the legal Administrative Order No. 37, series of 2006, of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA), respectively, in relation to Sec. 4 (par 1) of R.A. 9257 otherwise known as "Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003"
All Senior Citizens of Cebu City, Philippines

Contact Person/s
Sarah Ponteras, Ecisila Mansueto, Noel Cabezas, Richard Figues
Contact / Telephone number: 256-3148, 412-2834

Office for Senior Citizens' Affairs (OSCA)
temporarily located at 2nd floor, Rm. 2-1,
Legislative Building, City Hall, Cebu City

Monday to Friday; 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Duration of the Service
8minutes and 10 seconds

  • OSCA ID card
  • 1 piece - 2 x 2  picture

Procedures on How to Get Purchase Booklet for Grocery Items and Agricultural Products in Cebu

Follow these steps...
Wait while...
It will take...
1. Present OSCA ID card and 1pc. 2x2 picture to OSCA personnel
1. The OSCA personnel fills up in the purchase booklet the personal information of the senior citizen as reflected in his/her OSCA ID and the control number
Sarah Ponteras,

Ecisila Mansueto,

Noel Cabezas,

Rihcard Figues
One (1) minute
2. Waits whil the purchase booklet is processed
2. OSCA personnel then records the name, OSCA ID number, and the control number of the senior citizen in thelogbook
One (1) minute

3. The OSCA personnel advises the senior citizen to come back after one (1) to two weeks to get the purchase booklet...
One (1) minute

4. OSCA Head signs the purchase booklet
Five (5) seconds

5. OSCA personnel forwards to the office of the City Mayor the duly prepared purchase booklets for his signature.
6 minutes
3. Get booklet and sign the logbook released purchase booklet.
6. OSCA personnel releases the purchased booklet to senior citizen or to his/her duly authorized representative and asks him/her to sign the logbook.
One (1) minute

Source: Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook
This information appeared first on the 2009 Version of the Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook published by the Cebu City Government through the efforts of the Mayor's Management Team.

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Get Senior Citizens' Purchase Booklet for Grocery Items and Agricultural Products in Cebu" was written by Mary under the Cebu Services category. It has been read 5625 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 13 March 2011.
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