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How to Request for Tents and Stages in Cebu

DESCRIPTION: This service provides tents and stages to any requesting Cebu City constituents. This is where you are going to inquire for borrowing Cebu City owned tents and stages.

(Picture) Tent and Stage in Cebu
Want to request for stage and tents in Cebu? Follow the steps below.

CLIENT/S: Cebu City Constituents

Abellanosa's Office - for request
  • April Mai Pungase
  • Contact/Telephone number: 256-3148 / 412-2834
BMS - for delivery of tents and stages
  • Andress Esparaguera
  • Danilo Caracena
  • Contact/Telephone number: 256-2699 / 412-1942
Councilor Abellanosa's Office
  • 2nd Floor, Legislative Building, Cebu City Hall
Building Maintenance Services (BMS)
  • Old Sand Miguel Bodega, MC Briones St., Cebu City
AVAILABILITY: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Request Letter addressed to Hon. Rodrigo Abellanosa, stating:
  • Location for delivery and installation of tents/stage
  • Number of tents
  • Duration of usage (date to install and pull-out)
  • Contact person
  • Contact number

Follow these steps...
Wait while Person-in-charge...
It will take...
1. Submit request letter to Councilor Abellanosa's Office
1. Calls BMS for confirmation as to availability of tent/stage

2. Provides "request form"
April Mae Pungase,

Abellanosa's Office
5 minutes
2. Fill up the "request form" and submit form
3. Verifies the duly filled out form.

4. Forwards form to Councilor Abellanosa for signature.

5. Gives approved form and advises client to proceed to BMS.

10 minutes
3. Proceed to BMS with the approved form and request letter.
6. Receives and assesses request.

7. Logs request.
John Paul Gelasque/

Wesley Santos-Ynigo BMS
10 minutes
4. Follow up through phone 2 days before date of use.
8. Answers inquiry.
5 minutes
5. Wait for the delivery of tents/stage
9. Delivers and sets up the tent/stage.

NOTE: Request should be at least a week before the event.

Source: Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook
This information appeared first on the 2009 Version of the Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook published by the Cebu City Government through the efforts of the Mayor's Management Team.

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Request for Tents and Stages in Cebu" was written by Mary under the Cebu Services category. It has been read 6355 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 19 February 2011.
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