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Teachers from kinder to grade 3 will use Bisaya or Cebuano Language for teaching to bisaya students starting June 2012

Starting June 2012, teachers who have bisaya/cebuano students will be using bisaya/cebuano language as medium of instruction in classes to students from kinder to grade 3. This is part of the Department of Education's (DepEd) Mother Tounge-Based Multi-Lingual Education (MTB-MLE) program.
According DepEd Secretary Br. Armin Luistro, using the local language as medium of instruction can "develop well-rounded and life-long learners".

Local and international studies have proven that using the language used at home (mother tongue) inside the classroom during the early years of schooling can produce faster and better learners.

The Mother Tounge-Based Multi-Lingual Education (MTB-MLE) program is assisted and supported by the following institutions:
  • Translators Association of the Philippines
  • Third Elementary Education Program
  • Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao
  • Summer Institute of Linguistics
  • Save the Children Foundation
So, parents in Cebu and in other parts of the Philippines using the Cebuano language should not be surprised why Bisaya/Cebuano language has been used to teach your kinder to grade 3 students.

Is it really effective to use Bisaya/Cebuano language as medium of instruction to kinder up to grade 3 students? Tell us your opinion below in the comment.
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"Teachers from kinder to grade 3 will use Bisaya or Cebuano Language for teaching to bisaya students starting June 2012" was written by Mary under the Communication / Speech category. It has been read 4788 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 30 March 2012.
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