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National Midyear Demofest of The Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP)

The Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP) will hold its National Midyear Demofest with the theme Culture, Literacy and Technology: From Local to Global Classrooms on September 12-14, 2013 at the Dynasty Court Hotel, Tiano corner Hayes Streets, Cagayan de Oro (CDO) City.
The Event aims to enable the participants to use appropriate materials and effective methods to make the teaching of literacy more responsive to the needs of diverse learners and the changing times.

The target participants to this activity are kindergarten, elementary and secondary teachers from both public and private schools, pre-service teachers, administrators, supervisors, language specialists and researchers.

Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no-disruption-of-classes policy as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith.
The deadline for registration is on September 2, 2013. More information may be inquired from:

Dr. Amelita O. Balagtas
Conference Director
National Midyear Demofest
Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP)
3rd Floor, National Library of the Philippines T.M. Kalaw Avenue, Manila
Mobile Phone No.: 0927-685-9 197
Email Address: rapdemofest@gmail.com
Website Address: www.rap.org.ph

Dr. Heidi B. Macahilig
Secretary, RAP
Mobile Phone No.: 0920-239-0202

Ms. Audrey Ruth S. Angcos
Assistant Secretary, RAP
Mobile Phone No.: 0917-846-6441
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"National Midyear Demofest of The Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP)" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 2238 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 26 June 2013.
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