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Having Courageous Conversations About Mental Health

Having Courageous Conversations About Mental Health
"""How can I help someone who is struggling with mental illness?

We often hesitate to provide support to a friend or coworker who is in need out of concern that we may say the wrong thing, insult them, or because we feel unqualified to inquire about their health. However, when it comes to assisting someone who could be dealing with mental health issues, a simple ""Are you okay?"" is a terrific place to start. Always keep in mind that you don't have to be a therapist to have sympathy for and understanding for others who might be experiencing difficulties or challenges with their mental health.

How can employers help their employees?

Workplaces have a duty to safeguard employees' health and safety, including shielding them from any occupational hazards that can have an effect on their mental health. This obligation must be balanced with others, such as meeting operational and business requirements. Employees are an organization's most valuable resource, hence it is generally thought to be morally decent to keep them healthy and able to execute their jobs to the best of their abilities. Everyone will gain from creating a secure environment where employees can voice their worries and offer solutions.

How do I approach a coworker for ""that"" conversation?

There is a responsibility to find out if there has been a change in a worker's performance or behavior. It is advisable to arrange a meeting to go over any difficulties and worries that may come to light. This fact should not be the main focus if performance and completion of tasks are issues. ""I've noticed lately... "" or ""You haven't been yourself lately, are you okay?"" are good places to start when stating what you have noticed. Although these discussions might not go well the first time, ongoing follow-up and discussion should foster trust and empathy so the employee feels safe disclosing if something is harming their mental health. To ensure that the worker feels comfortable disclosing sensitive information regarding their mental health, active listening skills are required.

What are some verbal communication best practices?

To show the other person that you are interested in what they have to say, give them your whole attention. Pay close attention. Avoid interjecting with unwelcome criticism or suggestions. Be perceptive. Consider whether it is okay to interrupt or if there is a better opportunity to speak. Be mindful of the way you are speaking. Speak quietly, calmly, and with assurance. Make use of everyday language. Avoid using jargon, technical terms, or formal language. Inspire the individual to speak. Be objective and keep an open mind. Recognize the individual's emotions. If they seem distressed, let them know you can tell that. Try to comprehend. Asking inquiries like ""Can you explain to me why you are upset?"" When you believe you have understood, say it out so the other person knows you have. If the issue grows hot, maintain your composure and attempt to softly pacify the other person (do not cry ""cool down!""). Keep your fury apart from the other person's.

What are some pointers for nonverbal behavior and communication that works well?

Use a relaxed demeanor. Maintain a calm demeanor, with hands held loosely and eyes focused. Instead of standing straight in front of the individual, assume a right angle position. Give the person adequate room to move about. Culture-to-culture, a distance of 2 to 4 feet is typically seen as appropriate. Put yourself at the other person's level. Instead of standing over them if they are seated, try bending or kneeling. Be mindful of the person. Do not multitask by taking calls, reading emails, or doing other tasks. Avoid adopting problematic postures while standing or sitting, such as facing the other person directly, placing your hands on your hips, pointing your finger, waving your arms, or crossing your arms. Avoid glaring or fixed gaze. It can be seen as difficult. Avoid making quick movements. These movements may be interpreted as dangerous.

What actions may employers do to promote mental health at work?

Create an organizational culture that values employee involvement in all aspects, including planning, policy making, and goal-setting. These are just a few ways for building a healthy environment for safeguarding mental health. Make sure managers and supervisors behave in a way that upholds the organization's core principles. Align the demands of the job with the resources and skills of the workforce. To help people understand their jobs and what is expected of them, provide properly stated job descriptions. Managers and supervisors should get leadership and mental health training so they understand their responsibilities for fostering good mental health. Encourage learning, skill development, personal development, and social engagement with other employees. Address psychological risks in the same way you would other risks to safety. Create chances or initiatives that help people maintain excellent health, such a fitness policy or a menu of nutritious foods.

What steps may employees take to improve their mental health?

The following are some techniques for workers to safeguard their mental health: When necessary, ask for assistance. Speak with a representative from human resources, health and safety, or your supervisor. If there is an employee assistance program, use it. Take part in planning to balance workload and work demands with your management. Find a pastime or activity that makes you happy and helps you relax, then engage in it frequently. Write down your sentiments in a journal or express them to a trusted person. Recognize when something is going well. Celebrate your accomplishments. Learn about your personality, what makes you happy, and what makes you stressed out. Recognize the things about yourself or the environment that you can alter and those that you cannot. Create wholesome habits like consistent exercise, enough sleep, and a balanced diet.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Having Courageous Conversations About Mental Health" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 281 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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