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sun exposure and skin cancer

sun exposure and skin cancer
"""Does sun exposure lead to skin cancer?

According to Health Canada, ultraviolet (UV) light, which is produced by the sun and tanning beds, is one of the leading causes of skin cancer. People who work outside in the sun should be concerned about skin cancer. However, by being aware of the issue and taking precautions to avoid exposure to sunlight, the danger may be decreased.

Does sunlight contain a variety of radiation types?

Yes. Visible light, which gives us the colors we perceive, is one of the different forms of radiation. ultraviolet (UV) light, which produces the warmth we experience, and infrared radiation Neither visible light nor the infrared radiation from sunshine harms humans, unless extremely. On the other hand, ultraviolet (UV) radiation can injure the skin. The three main categories of UV radiation are: UVA (long-wave UV) (long-wave UV) UVA, UVB, and UVC (short-wave UV)

What effects does sunshine have on skin?

Some of the UV light that strikes the skin is deflected away from the surface. The radiation that is still present is dispersed into the tissues immediately below the skin's surface. The skin's live cells absorb a portion of this radiation. Living cells absorb ultraviolet radiation, which harms delicate components that affect the skin's typical development and look. Damage may lead to: sunburn accelerated rate of skin aging skin tumors Sunburn The most well-known and immediate impact of UV light on the skin is sunburn. An increase in blood flow beneath the skin has generated an irritation there. Normal reaction times range from 15 to 20 hours until the reaction turns bright red. The disorder occasionally results in skin peeling and can be extremely painful. In those who are not used to strong sunshine, a brief, intensive exposure can result in serious sunburn. There is evidence to suggest that both short-term and long-term exposures may increase the risk of developing severe types of skin cancer in later life. An accelerated rate of skin aging UV rays from the sun eventually damage skin and speed up the aging process when exposed repeatedly. Skin blemishes, sun freckles, and wrinkles occur on thin, less elastic patches of skin. It may take several years of exposure for these changes to materialize, but once they do, the harm is irreparable. Sun Cancer The injured skin has a higher risk of acquiring one of the forms of skin cancer if exposure to sunlight lasts for a number of years. UV radiation exposure raises the possibility of getting these malignancies (although it may not be the only cause of the disease). According to Health Canada, numerous studies have demonstrated that individuals who experienced numerous, severe sunburns as children have a higher chance of getting skin cancer. Having a family history of the disease, being exposed to certain chemicals, and having immune system issues can all increase your risk of getting skin cancer.

What types of skin cancer are associated with exposure to sunlight?

There is a connection between sun exposure and three major forms of skin cancer: base cell carcinoma cancerous squamous cells cancerous melanoma Cancerous Basal Cells The most prevalent type of cancer in North America and Europe is basal cell cancer. It typically develops on skin that is exposed to sunlight, although it can also happen in other places. This kind of skin cancer typically develops as a raised, hard, red or red-gray, pearly wound on the lips, nose, cheeks, forehead, and eyelids. Basal cell carcinoma often does not spread, though there is always a potential it could progress to a dangerous condition. Most cases can be resolved quickly. Cancerous Squamous Cells The skin that has been exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time is where squamous cell carcinoma most usually develops. As such, this type of skin cancer tends to develop where maximum exposure to radiation occurs - forehead, cheeks, nose, lower lip, and tops of the ears. It also usually develops in areas where the skin has been damaged by the sun - areas with blemishes or sun freckles. The blemishes develop into rough, scaly patches with small areas of open wounds that do not heal. They eventually grow into larger wounds with crusts. Similar to basal cell carcinoma, most cases are easily treated. Malignant Melanoma Malignant melanoma, although rarer, is the most serious of the skin cancers. It often shows itself as a mole or pigment spot that begins to bleed, grow, or change its colour, shape or texture. It usually spreads if not treated in the early stage. If caught early, malignant melanoma can be treated. If treatment is delayed,  melanoma can be hard to stop once it has spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma is the type most likely to be fatal.

What factors affect a person's risk?

Everyone is at risk of skin cancer. Risk factors include: exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) heredity and medical factors, such as: having many moles, or certain types of moles on your skin having fair or light-coloured skin (these individuals have less melanin which may help protect the skin) history of skin cancer in self or family specific medical conditions, such as CDKN2A gene mutation weakened immune system Another factor may include exposure to chemicals. Exposure to certain chemicals can increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet light through a process called photosensitization. Examples of such chemicals include: coal tar, coal tar pitches, and petroleum products containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) certain printing chemicals used in photosensitive printing processes certain drugs including antibiotics, oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatories, tranquilizers, and anti-nausea drugs chemicals called psoralens found naturally in certain plants, fruits and vegetables Check with your physician or pharmacist if you suspect abnormal or severe reaction to sun exposure after taking new medication. However, simple skin contact with psoralens, which are found in figs, parsnips, citrus plants, or mouldy celery, can make the skin more susceptible to sunburns in some individuals. Experimental studies show that chemicals called """"promoters"""" can increase the cancer-causing ability of ultraviolet radiation. On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation itself can act as a promoter. In particular, ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can increase the cancer-causing ability of chemicals from coal tar and coal tar pitches. Does the amount of exposure to sunlight matter? Yes. The damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation accumulate over the years. In general, the risk of developing skin cancer increases with the amount of time spent under the sun and the intensity of radiation. The intensity of radiation varies according to the season of the year, time of day, geographic location (latitude), elevation above sea level, reflection from surfaces (e.g., white sand or concrete, water, snow), stratospheric ozone, clouds, and air pollution. Studies have focused on the effects of intermittent (short-term, occasional) sun exposure in comparison to chronic (long-term) exposure. It appears that the type of exposure may influence the type of cancer that develops. For example, intermittent solar exposure may be an important factor leading to the onset of basal cell carcinoma of the skin. Childhood sun exposure may also play an important part in the development of these cancers later in adult life. The pattern for cutaneous melanoma is similar to that for basal cell carcinoma. In contrast, the relationship between squamous cell carcinoma and solar UVR appears to be quite different. For squamous cell tumours, high levels of chronic occupational sunlight exposure, especially in the 10 years before diagnosis, results in an elevated risk for this cancer in the highest exposure group.

What is the UV Index?

In order to address the growing concern by Canadians regarding changes in UVR resulting from ozone depletion, Environment and Climate Change Canada rates the UV intensity as UV Index on a scale of 0 (when there is no sunlight) to 11+ (extreme). It can go to the mid-teens at midday in the tropics. In Canada the UV Index is categorized into low (2 or less), moderate (between 3 and 5), high (between 6 and 7), very high (between 8 and 10) and extreme (greater than 11). The human health effects and precautions relating to the UV Index are summarized in the following table. Table 3UV Index Description Sun Protection Actions 0 - 2Low Minimal sun protection required for normal activity. Wear sunglasses on bright days. If outside for more than one hour, cover up and use sunscreen. Reflection off snow can nearly double UV strength. Wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen on your face. 3 - 5Moderate Take precautions - cover up, wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen especially if you will be outside for 30 minutes or more. Look for shade near midday when the sun is strongest. 6 - 7High Protection required - UV radiation damages the skin and can cause sunburn. Reduce time in the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and take full precautions - seek shade, cover up, wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. 8 - 10 Very High Extra precautions required - unprotected skin will be damaged and can burn quickly. Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and take full precautions - seek shade, cover up, wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. 11+Extreme Take full precautions. Unprotected skin will be damaged and can burn in minutes. Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., cover up, wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. White sand and other bright surfaces reflect UV radiation and increase UV exposure. Values of 11 or more are very rare in Canada. However, the UV Index can reach 14 or more in the tropics and southern U.S. Source:The UV Index Poster: Environment and Climate Change Canada

What workers are at risk?

All outdoor workers potentially exposed to the sun's ultraviolet radiation are at risk, including: agricultural workers farmer shorticultural workers maintenance workers pipeline workers ranchersathletes fishermenlandscapers military personnel policeski instructors brick masons gardeners lifeguards oilfield workers postal carriers sailors construction workers greenskeepers loggers open-pit miners railroad track workers surveyors Indoor workers exposed to UV would include those in tanning salons or where UV-producing devices are used (e.g., medicine, cosmetics, etc.).

How can I reduce the risk of skin cancer from sunlight?

It is important to be aware of the risks and take precautions while under the sun from as early in life as possible. Approaches to prevent skin cancer include: reducing exposure to sunlight wearing protective clothing using sunscreens on exposed skin examining the skin regularly for suspicious spots In the winter time, it may be advisable to the above precautions when exposed to sun for prolonged periods, especially in the presence of snow or at high altitudes. Reducing Exposure Workers should avoid unnecessary exposure to the sun, especially to the intense midday rays between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. during the summer. If possible, people should plan outdoor work for early morning or late afternoon, and work in the shade as much as possible. Umbrellas, buildings, shade structures, trees, canopies, etc., can protect against the direct rays from the sun. Work, and take breaks in the shade when ever possible. Set up shade structures when shade is not available. In addition, water, white sand or concrete, snow, and ice can reflect from around 10 percent to 85 percent of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Skin may require extra protection against these indirect, reflected rays. Workplaces can also rotate workers between site locations to help reduce UV exposure. Wearing Protective Clothing and Sunglasses The use of wide brim hats and clothes made from close-knit fabric can protect the skin and scalp from ultraviolet radiation. Although long-sleeved shirts and long-legged pants may not be comfortable in extremely hot weather, they do help protect the skin. Clothing specifically designed to be sun protective or sun blocking will indicate the protection rating (a UV protection factor, or UPF). Be aware that not all clothing offers the same protection. Factors include the colour of the clothing, construction, materials the item is made from, fit, and coverage over the body. Some fabrics lose their SPF rating when they get wet. Workers should be informed about different fabric characteristics that effect the transmission of sunlight. Wear wrap-around sunglasses that absorb UVA and UVB radiation. Using Protective Sunscreens Workers should liberally apply protective sunscreen on exposed skin 20 minutes before working in the sun, then reapply it during the periods they spend under the sun, as directed by the manufacturer's instructions (usually every two hours). Most sunscreens are colourless, invisible, and cosmetically acceptable. Sunscreens should be used in addition to, not instead of, working in shade and wearing suitable clothing, hats, and sunglasses. Sunscreens are not intended to extend the exposure time to sunlight, but rather to reduce the effects of sunlight when people have to be in the sun. The level of protection depends greatly on how the sunscreen is applied. A wide variety of sunscreens are available. They all contain chemical ingredients that weaken (but do not eliminate) the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The most widely used protective chemicals are PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) and closely related chemicals such as cinnamates, salicylates, benzophenones, or anthranilates. Some sunscreens contain only one of these protective chemicals while others may have two or more for greater reliability. Manufacturers label sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF). The higher the factor, the greater the protection from the sun. SPF 15 sunscreen may absorb 93 percent of UVB radiation. SPF 30 sunscreen may absorb 97 percent of UVB radiation. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends a broad spectrum sunscreen (protects against UVA and UVB rays) with an SPF of 30 or higher. Follow the manufacturer’s directions. A sunscreen's effectiveness also depends upon its ability to withstand heat, humidity and sweat. For example, sunscreens should be applied 20 minutes before going outdoors, and reapplied every two hours, or more often if perspiring (sweating), swimming, or working in water. Use a broad spectrum lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher as well. People with skin sensitive to sunlight should use a sunscreen with a high SPF. Examining Skin Regularly People who work under the sun should examine their skin regularly for any unusual changes. The danger signs include any wound, sore, or patch of skin that won't heal or constantly scales. Also examine for any growing lump, particularly if brown or bluish in colour. It is important to get medical care for anything that looks suspicious rather than wait until the problem becomes untreatable.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"sun exposure and skin cancer" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 434 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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