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iKode Helpdesk with World Class Help Desk Solution

Help desk have now become a core part of good business service and operation.A help desk, for larger companies is a place for centralized help within an enterprise to help the users of their products and services. Therefore,to find the solution that best fits your business requirements, it is important to research, examine, and compare help desk software.
Here we talk about iKode Helpdesk which includes features like trouble ticketing, knowledge base, CRM solution, email management, multi-language support, self-service portal, and comprehensive help desk reporting functionality.

Firstly,the iKode Helpdesk X is built on the Php & MySQL, users enjoy a solution with strong security and stability.It is easy to set up and effortless to maintain.The help desk soluiton is built to allow your support, sales, pre-sales, billing, helpdesk, etc.

Secondly,the knowledge base solution provided by iKode Helpdesk is designed to be a repository for common visitor complaints and concerns, providing a knowledge base of some of the most commonly-answered questions fielded by website F.A.Q professionals.Implementing iKode Helpdesk knowleddge base allows for clients and customers to receive a high standard of care and support.

Thirdly,iKode Helpdesk provides efficient customer request tickets management.Open, assign, respond to & close requests for help from iKode helpdesk with email synchronization that leads to even more efficiency from your team. Also categorize received requests according to priority levels and assign due dates accordingly.Employees can also assign tickets mannually.

Fourthly,the iKode Helpdesk software is also a simple CRM system which implementing and maintaining a customer management can be costly for a business organization.It allow customers to create different types of custom requests forms so that you can reach out to users and collect all of the information required.

Fifthly,help desk solution provided by iKode will improve customer service by helping you respond more quickly to helpdesk requests;by ensuring high visibility of helpdesk requests, updates and resolutions via email and/or web integration.Generate detailed reports about your help desk performance, such as the solved or unsolved tickets, the customer average rating and reply speed.

Finally,you must believe that installing a web based iKode Helpdesk at your business website can ultimately increase your customer satisfaction and employee efficiency while saving you time and money.The great number of available web-based help desks on the market makes the selection process a difficult one.iKode Helpdesk X is the right one!
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"iKode Helpdesk with World Class Help Desk Solution" was written by Mary under the Internet category. It has been read 1855 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 10 October 2012.
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