WhatsApp rolls out three new features for iPhone users
After being in the beta stage for a while, WhatsApp is now rolling out new features for iPhone users. The latest version -- 22.2.75 -- of WhatsApp is now available to download for iPhone users and brings these new features to the Meta-owned instant messaging app. New voice recording featureWhatsApp users on iPhone can now pause and resume while recording voice messages. The feature was in beta mode for some time now but has now been rolled out publicly. Users will now see a pause button while recording voice notes. This means that users can listen to the voice note before they actually send it. They can delete the voice note or the option of resuming the recording is also there. Earlier, users had the option to stop rather than pause the voice recording. You can now ensure only select users can send messagesThis feature uses the Focus mode which is available with iOS 15. You can now ensure that select users can message you even if you have turned on the Focus mode. For the uninitiated, Focus mode is a feature that allows you to set your iPhone in DND mode, which means you can choose what notifications to receive. The feature was available to other apps like iMessage but is now available for WhatsApp as well. Do note that you will need your iPhone to be updated to iOS 15 or above to use this WhatsApp feature.See the profile photos of users in notificationsTill now when you received a notification from WhatsApp, you could not see the photo but just the name of the person who sent the message. With the latest update, you can see the profile photo of the user as well in the notification summary. This feature is also available for those who have upgraded to iOS 15 or later version.Follow Gadgets Now on Facebook and Twitter. For the latest news, tech news, breaking news headlines and live updates checkout Gadgetsnow.comGN Awards - Vote for your favourite GadgetsFacebookTwitterLinkedinTop Commentsanjay54 minutes agoLOL. These tiny things are projected as big features :D{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"NewsArticle","inLanguage":"en","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/whatsapp-rolls-out-three-new-features-for-iphone-users/articleshow/89105892.cms","url":"https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/whatsapp-rolls-out-three-new-features-for-iphone-users/articleshow/89105892.cms"},"headline":"WhatsApp rolls out three new features for iPhone users","description":"After being in the beta stage for a while, WhatsApp is now rolling out new features for iPhone users. The latest version -- 22.2.75 -- of WhatsApp is now available to download for iPhone users and brings these new features to the Meta-owned instant messaging app. WhatsApp users on iPhone can now pause and resume while recording voice messages. The feature was in beta mode for some time now but has now been rolled out publicly. Users will now see a pause button while recording voice notes. This m...","keywords":"WhatsApp Features for iPhones,whatsapp for ios,whatsapp voice recording,iphone whatsapp,focus mode,iphone,meta,whatsapp","datePublished":"2022-01-25T08:47:00+05:30","dateModified":"2022-01-25T08:47:00+05:30","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/resizemode-4,msid-89105892,width-1200,height-900/89105892.jpg","height":900,"width":1200},"author":{"@type":"Thing","name":"TIMESOFINDIA.COM"},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Gadgets Now","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://static.toiimg.com/photo/88204186.cms","width":600,"height":60}},"articleBody":"After being in the beta stage for a while, WhatsApp is now rolling out new features for iPhone users. The latest version -- 22.2.75 -- of WhatsApp is now available to download for iPhone users and brings these new features to the Meta-owned instant messaging app. WhatsApp users on iPhone can now pause and resume while recording voice messages. The feature was in beta mode for some time now but has now been rolled out publicly. Users will now see a pause button while recording voice notes. This means that users can listen to the voice note before they actually send it. They can delete the voice note or the option of resuming the recording is also there. Earlier, users had the option to stop rather than pause the voice recording. This feature uses the Focus mode which is available with iOS 15. You can now ensure that select users can message you even if you have turned on the Focus mode. For the uninitiated, Focus mode is a feature that allows you to set your iPhone in DND mode, which means you can choose what notifications to receive. The feature was available to other apps like iMessage but is now available for WhatsApp as well. Do note that you will need your iPhone to be updated to iOS 15 or above to use this WhatsApp feature.Till now when you received a notification from WhatsApp, you could not see the photo but just the name of the person who sent the message. With the latest update, you can see the profile photo of the user as well in the notification summary. This feature is also available for those who have upgraded to iOS 15 or later version."} - https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"WhatsApp rolls out three new features for iPhone users" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 437 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 26 January 2022 and updated on 26 January 2022.