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Quezon's Code of Citizenship and Ethics (English Version)

Quezon's Code of Citizenship and Ethics (English Version)




Whereas, section five of Article XIII of the Constitution provides that all schools shall aim to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience, and to teach the duties of citizenship;

Whereas, in order to comply with the above constitutional provision, it is necessary that a Code of Citizenship and Ethics be adopted and taught in the schools;

Whereas, pending the formulation of such a code by a committee representing the various elements of the community and the adoption thereof, it is essential that the schools should at once take steps in order to effectuate the mandate of the Constitution in this respect:

Now, therefore, I, Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me under the Constitution, do hereby direct the Secretary of Public Instruction to require all schools to teach the following civic and ethical principles, drafted by a group of eminent citizens;

1. Have faith in Divine Providence that guides the destinies of men and nations.

2. Love your country for it is the home of your people, the seat of your affections, and the source of your happiness and well-being. Its defense is your primary duty. Be ready at all times to sacrifice and die for it if necessary.

3. Respect the Constitution which is the expression of your sovereign will. The government is your government. It has been established for your safety and welfare. Obey the laws and see that they are observed by all and that public officials comply with their duties.

4. Pay your taxes willingly and promptly. Citizenship implies not only rights but also obligations.

5. Safeguard the purity of suffrage and abide by the decisions of the majority.

6. Love and respect your parents. It is your duty to serve them gratefully and well.

7. Value your honor as you value your life. Poverty with honor is preferable to wealth with dishonor.

8. Be truthful and be honest in thought and in action. Be just and charitable, courteous hut dignified in your dealings with your fellow men.

9. Lead a clean and frugal life. Do not indulge in frivolity or pretense. Be simple in your dress and modest in your behavior.

10. Live up to the noble traditions of our people. Venerate the memory of our heroes. Their lives point the way to duty and honor.

11. Be industrious. Be not afraid or ashamed to do manual labor. Productive toil is conducive to economic security and adds to the wealth of the nation.

12. Rely on your own efforts for your progress and happiness. Be not easily discouraged. Persevere in the pursuit of your legitimate ambitions.

13. Do your work cheerfully, thoroughly, and well. Work badly done is worse than work undone. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

14. Contribute to the welfare of your community and promote social justice. You do not live for yourselves and your families alone. You are a part of society to which you owe definite responsibilities.

15. Cultivate the habit of using goods made in the Philippines. Patronize the products and trades of your countrymen.

16. Use and develop our natural resources and conservation for posterity. They are the inalienable heritage of our people. Do not traffic with your citizenship.

Done at the City of Manila. this nineteenth day of August, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the fourth.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Secretary to the President
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"Quezon's Code of Citizenship and Ethics (English Version)" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 3766 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 26 August 2011.
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