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Title X: Emancipation And Age Of Majority | Family Code of the Philippines TITLE X FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES – We are now going to k

Title X: Emancipation And Age Of Majority | Family Code of the Philippines

TITLE X FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES – We are now going to know about the Title X of Family Code of the Philippines.

The Family Code of the Philippines of 1987 was enacted into law by the 11th President of the Philippines Maria Corazon Cojuangco Aquino.

The EO was meant to supplant Book I of the Civil Code which concerns persons and family relations. Work on the said law began in 1979 and was drafted by two successive committees, with the first chaired by Supreme Court Justice Romero, and the second by former Supreme Court Justice J.B.L. Reyes.EO 209 covers fields significant public interest, which also includes the laws on marriage.

ContentsTitle X in the Executive Order No. 209 is titled Emancipation And Age Of Majority. Here are the contents of this chapter, according to this website:

Article 234Emancipation takes place by the attainment of majority.  Unless otherwise provided, majority commences at the age of twenty-one years.Emancipation also takes place:

By the marriage of the minor; orBy the recording in the Civil Register of an agreement in a public instrument executed by the parent exercising parental authority and the minor at least eighteen years of age.  Such emancipation shall be irrevocable.  (397a, 398a, 400a, 401a)

Article 235The provisions governing emancipation by recorded agreement shall also apply to an orphan minor and the person exercising parental authority but the agreement must be approved by the court before it is recorded.  (n)

Article 236Emancipation for any cause shall terminate parental authority over the person and property of the child who shall then be qualified and responsible for all acts of civil life.  (412a)

Article 237The annulment or declaration of nullity of the marriage of a minor or of the recorded agreement mentioned in the foregoing.  Articles 234 and 235 shall revive the parental authority over the minor but shall not affect acts and transactions that took place prior to the recording of the final judgment in the Civil Register.  (n)

READ ALSO: Title X: Emancipation And Age Of Majority | Family Code of the Philippines


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