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What Is The Scientific Name Of Water Hyacinth? (ANSWER) SCIENTIFIC NAME OF WATER HYACINTH – In this topic, we are going to know and ident

What Is The Scientific Name Of Water Hyacinth? (ANSWER)

SCIENTIFIC NAME OF WATER HYACINTH – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the scientific name of water hyacinth.Image from: Eco-Business

Commonly known as common water hyacinth, it is an aquatic plant which is native to the Amazon basin. It is usually a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range.

It is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant that is native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. The plant is able to rise above the surface of the water as much as 1 meter or 3 feet in height due to broad, thick, glossy, ovate leaves.The plant has long, spongy and bulbous stalks. The feathery, freely hanging roots are purple-black and its erect stalk supports a single spike of 8–15 conspicuously attractive flowers, which are mostly lavender to pink in colour with six petals.

The hyacinth reproduces primarily by way of runners or stolons, which eventually form daughter plants.

AnswerThe binomial name of water hyacinth is Pontederia crassipes,

Pontederia is a genus of tristylous aquatic plants, of the Pontederiaceae family. It is a New Latin term which came from an Italian botanist Giulio Pontedera.

The specific epithet crassipes, on the other hand, is a Latin term that is the combination of crassus or ‘thick‘ and pēs or ‘foot‘.

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"What Is The Scientific Name Of Water Hyacinth? (ANSWER) SCIENTIFIC NAME OF WATER HYACINTH – In this topic, we are going to know and ident" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 888 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 07 September 2021.
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