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What Is The Scientific Name Of Sambong? (ANSWER) SCIENTIFIC NAME OF SAMBONG – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the scient

What Is The Scientific Name Of Sambong? (ANSWER)

SCIENTIFIC NAME OF SAMBONG – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the scientific name of sambong.Image from: Hello Doctor Philippines

Also known as Ngai camphor or sembung, it is a flowering plant of the sunflower family Asteraceae.

The plant is used in traditional herbal medicine for cold, as well as a diuretic (water pill). Another medical purpose for this plant is used for infected, respiratory infections, and stomach pains in Thai and Chinese folk medicine.The plant is a ruderal species which usually grows on disturbed land and in grasslands and is described as a softly hairy, half woody, strongly aromatic shrub.

Other names of this plant include bukadkad, subusob, subsub, or sobsob in the Philippines and Naat in Thailand.

In Thailand folklore, this plant is used to ward off spirits, as well as in the treatment of infection. Sambong is used as medicine in China, Malaysia, and Ayurveda in India.

Scientific NameThe binomial name of Sambong is Blumea balsamifera.

Blumea is a genus of flowering plants of the sunflower family Asteraceae. It is a New Latin term named after German botanist Karl L. Blume.

The specific epithet balsamifera, on the other hand, is a Latin term which means ‘balsam-bearing‘.

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"What Is The Scientific Name Of Sambong? (ANSWER) SCIENTIFIC NAME OF SAMBONG – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the scient" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 935 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 07 September 2021.
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