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2nd Philippine Conference-Workshop on Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

The 170+ Talaytayan MLE, Inc. will conduct the 2nd Philippine Conference-Workshop on Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education with the theme "EFA and MTB-MLE, 2015 and Beyond" on February 16-18, 2012 at the Punta Villa Resort, Iloilo City. This is co-sponsored by the West Visayas State University (WVSU), SIL International; Save the Children, Translators Association of the Philippines, Philippine Normal University (PNU), NAKEM Philippines and NAKEM International, Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP), Philippine Deaf Resource Center (PDRC), DILA Philippines, and University of the Philippines (UP)-Layap.
The conference-workshop aims to she to the participants the original research, best teaching practicesd, prototype lesson plans, learning materials and model curricula used by existing MTB-MLE schools.

The teachers, students, researchers, local school bard members, development facilitators and other education stakeholders are invited to present papers related to the theme. The deadline for submission of abstracts is on December 15, 2011.

The expected participants to this activity are school and university administrators, reading program coordinators, classroom teachers in all levels, alternative education practitioners, sign language educators, local government units (LGUs), education committee members, linguists, language researchers, translators, book publishers, parents and education reform advocates.

The registration fee which will be charged to each participant, is as follows:

Registration Fee
Early Bird/Registrant
(who will pay on or before December 16, 2011)
Early Bird/Registrant
Regular Registrant
(Iloilo residents and those who will find their own lodging)
Regular Registrant
Undergraduate Students

Payments m maybe deposited Bancode Oro (BDO) SM Manila Branch under the Account Name of 170+ Talaytayan MLE Inc. with Current Account No.: 0470506288. The deposit slip will be scanned and send through e-mail address: mlephilippines@gmail.com or send through fax no.: (02) 926-9887.

For more information, contact Ms. Lucy Cruz at telephone no.: (02) 981-8500 local 2294 or at mobile phone no.: 0916-394-4870 or send a message at e-mail address: mlephilippine@gmail.coln; or homepage: www.mlephilippines.org.
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"2nd Philippine Conference-Workshop on Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 2966 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 21 November 2011.
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