VOLANS CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Volans, the Flying Fish.Image from: Star Registration
The constellation lies in the southern hemisphere and represents the flying fish.
Volans is not associated with any myths. It was created by the Dutch astronomer and cartographer Petrus Plancius, it was originally named Piscis Volans or the flying fish.The constellation houses the Lindsay-Shapley Ring, the Meathook Galaxy, and the spiral galaxy NGC 2397, NGC 2434.
It is the 76th of the largest constellations and occupies an area of about 141 square degrees. It lies in SQ2, the second quadrant of the southern hemisphere.
Volans belongs to the Johann Bayer family, along with Apus, Chamaeleon, Dorado, Grus, Hydrus, Indus, Musca, Pavo, Phoenix and Tucana.
StarsAmong the stars include:
Alpha Volantis | α VolantisBeta Volantis | β VolantisDelta Volantis | δ VolantisEpsilon Volantis | ε VolantisEta Volantis | η VolantisGamma Volantis | γ VolantisHD 76700Iota Volantis | ι VolantisKappa Volantis | κ VolantisTheta Volantis | θ VolantisZeta Volantis | ζ Volantis
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