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What Is Evident? Definition And WHAT IS EVIDENT – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this


What Is Evident? Definition And

WHAT IS EVIDENT – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.

DefinitionThe Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:

plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood.

On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:

clear to the vision or understanding

SynonymsHere are the following synonyms of this term:

obviousapparentnoticeableconspicuousperceptibleperceivablevisibleassumedostensibleostensivepresumedprima facieputative

EtymologyIt is a late Middle English term from the Latin term evidens, evident-, which means ‘‘obvious to the eye or mind’’.
ExamplesHere are some of the examples:

The Meditations were written, it is evident, as occasion offered – in the midst of public business, and on the eve of battles on which the fate of the empire depended – hence their fragmentary appearance, but hence also much of their practical value and even of their charm.Her behaviour is easy and natural, and it is charming because of its frankness and evident sincerity.Prince Andrew gaily bore with his father’s ridicule of the new men, and drew him on and listened to him with evident pleasure.From all these reports it was evident that where they had expected to meet a single division there was now the whole French army marching from Moscow in an unexpected direction–along the Kaluga road.

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"What Is Evident? Definition And WHAT IS EVIDENT – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 750 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 September 2021.
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