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2013 Para National Games

The Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) through the Philippine Sports Association for Differently Abled-National Paralympic Committee of the Philippines (PHILSPADA-NPC Philippines) in coordination with the Department of Education (DepEd) will hold the 2013 Para National Games, which is also known as the Second PSC-PHILSPADA Para National Games on March 16-23, 2013 at the Laguna Sports Complex, Sta. Cruz, Laguna.
Paragraph 1 of DECS Memorandum No. 9, s. 1999 states that:

"Sports and other programs in physical fitness have been identified as one of the areas where the United Nations (UN) Standards and Rule on Equalization of Opportunities and Full Participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) can be operationalized. The Sports for All Program provides excellent avenue for the inclusion of PWD in both developmental and competitive sports activity."

The conduct of the 2013 Para National Games aims to identify a new core of athletes and will be used by the PHILSPADA-NPC Philippines as basis for the selection of Philippine teams for future participation in international competitions such as the ASEAN Para Games, Asian Youth Para Games, World Para Games and Paralympics. Specifically, the objectives of these games are to:
  • encourage and promote the participation, to the fullest extent possible, of persons with disabilities in mainstream sporting activities at all levels; and
  • ensure that children with disabilities have equal access with other children to play, recreation, leisure and sporting activities, including school activities.
All regional directors (RDs), school division/city superintendents (SDSs) and heads of public and private elementary and secondary schools, special education (SPED) teachers and officials are enjoined to support and participate in the Para National Games. Attendance to this is on official time only.

The organizers of the Para National Games will provide accommodations to the regional delegations, while food and transportation expenses will be shouldered by the participants which may be sourced from civic-minded individuals or oganizations, and sports enthusiasts.

The enclosed primer has been prepared by the PHILSPADA-NPC Philippines and PSC for this undertaking.

For more information, all concerned may contact any of the following: Mr. Dennis Esta, PHILSPADA at telephone nos.: (02) 635-0375; (02) 636-4884 or through email address: philspada npc philippines(/ yahoo.com, and Mr. Josefino S. De La Paz, Physical Fitness, Wellness and Recreation Office (PFWRO), DepEd Central Office (CO) at telephone no.: (02) 632-0260; mobile phone no.: 0916-335-2643 or through email address: delapaziosefino@yahoo.com.

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"2013 Para National Games" was written by Mary under the Sports category. It has been read 2999 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 17 February 2013.
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