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How to Edit the Name of Your Mobile Hotspot

How to Edit the Name of Your Mobile Hotspot
"""Creating a Wi-Fi hotspot with your mobile phone is a great way to share Internet access with friends. However, you might want to change the name of the hotspot to something more easily recognizable so that they can connect to the right wireless network. ,'_com-box-3','ezslot_4',183,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-3-0');
Imagine that you and your friends are going out and cannot locate a suitable public Wi-Fi hotspot to access the Internet. You can allow your friends to use your mobile Internet connection by activating your personal Wi-Fi hotspot on your phone. They should be able to connect to your phone just like they would with a normal Wi-Fi network if you tell them the name of your personal hotspot and the wireless security key or password.
The name of the device, such as iPhone, is typically the default SSID or hotspot name on Android and iOS devices. Change the name of your phone's hotspot to something unique and personal, like Warren's iPhone. If other wireless networks have the same name as your hotspot, it could cause confusion. ,'_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',191,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-3-0');
We'll show you how to change the name of your mobile hotspot in this article to make it clear that it belongs to you. To keep strangers from accessing your network, ensure that you also set a strong password when changing the name of the mobile hotspot.
How to Change the Name of an Android Hotspot On Android devices, you can give your personal hotspot a name that is different from the name of the device. When looking for Wi-Fi networks in your area, your device will be identified by the hotspot name.

On your Android device, follow these steps to change the name of the hotspot: 300,250],'_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',192,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-4-0');
On your Android device, open the Settings app. Select ""Connections"" or ""Connection and Sharing."" Tap ""Hotspot Settings"" or the name of the hotspot after selecting ""Personal Hotspot"" (or ""Mobile Hotspot""). Substitute the new name for the hotspot name in the provided field. Select ""Save"" or ""OK.""
Note: There may be variations in the settings screen on different Android devices because they are not identical.

If visibility is turned off, the new SSID or network name will appear in the list of available Wi-Fi networks after the hotspot name has been changed. By selecting your hotspot and entering the password, anyone can connect to your hotspot.
Simply select ""Connection and Sharing"" (or ""Connections"") from the Settings menu on Android to enable hotspot. Select either ""Mobile Hotspot"" or ""Personal Hotspot.""
How to rename a personal hotspot on an iPhone or iPad Unlike Android, iOS devices don't have a dedicated setting for this. However, when you connect to Wi-Fi, the name of your iOS device will be displayed as the hotspot name. 336,280],'_com-box-4','ezslot_7',193,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-4-0');

On the iPhone and iPad, the following procedure for changing the hotspot's name is available:
Navigate to the Settings app on your iPad or iPhone. In the settings, tap ""General."" Choose ""About. Tap the name. Press ""Done"" after entering the new device's name. Your modifications will be saved immediately.
The new SSID or network name will appear in the list of Wi-Fi networks that are available after the hotspot has been renamed. After choosing it and entering the correct password, anyone can connect to your mobile hotspot.

Select ""Personal Hotspot"" from the Settings menu on your iPhone or iPad to enable hotspot. To enable it, toggle ""Personal Hotspot"" on or off.
In conclusion, changing the name of your mobile phone's personal hotspot is as simple as that. Your friends will be able to quickly identify your device and avoid confusion when connecting to the Internet if you give it a unique and personal hotspot name. To keep your hotspot safe, don't forget to set a strong, hard-to-guess password. 300,250],'_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',194,'0','0'_('div-gpt-ad-_com-banner-1-0');
Tags: WiFi""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Edit the Name of Your Mobile Hotspot" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 425 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 February 2023.
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