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The major categories of the mining vibrating screen

In concentrating plants, according to different transmission mechanism, there are other types: eccentric vibrating screen, inertia vibrating screen, self-fixed centre shale shaker and resonance screens. Screening equipment are one of the important equipment used in the mining processes. This practice occurs in a variety of industries such as mining and mineral processing, agriculture, pharmaceutical, food, plastics, and recycling. Screening falls under two general categories: dry screening and wet screening. From these categories, screening separates a flow of material into grades, these grades are then either further processed to anintermediary product or a finished product. Additionally the machines can be categorised into circular vibrating screen and static screen machines, as well as by whether the screens are horizontal or inclined.

1) Circular vibrating Screen

The Circular vibrating Screen moves on a circular motion. It is a multi-layer and high efficiency vibrating screen. This type of equipment is used for very large particles, sizes that range from pebble size on up to boulder size material. It is also designed for high volume output. As a scalper, this shaker will allow oversize material to pass over and fall into a crusher such a cone crusher, jaw crusher, or hammer mill. The material that passes the screen by-passes the crusher and is conveyed and combined with the crush material. Also this equipment is used in washing processes, as material passes under spray bars, finer material and foreign material is washed through the screen. This is one example of wet screening.

2) Static screen

The static screen is the most simple and effective filter for filtration of free flowing and non-sticky solids. It is a completely static unitwith continuous filtration and consumes no power. The filter uses the welded wedge wire filter element, which works on surface filtration principle. The filtration rating from this filter can be as low as 50 microns. The two version of the filter are available based on the liquid & solid characteristic i.e. gravity flow type or high Pressure tangential flow type. The filter element which is fixed in curvature gives an ideal cutting effect to the liquid when it flows over the surface.

In Tangential flow type the liquid is pumped to the filter inlet and the high pressure nozzles spray the liquid for a tangential entry onto the screen.

3) Horizontal Vibrating Screen

Horizontal vibraqting screens are designed for precision screening operations. Twin vibrating motors are fitted in the machine. These motors will create the required vibration in such a way that the material in the machine will be getting screened.

4) Inclined Vibrating Screen

Inclined Vibrating Screen is designed by our company through absorbing Germany advanced technology. It best fits in quarry and can also be used for coal dressing, ore dressing, building materials, electric power, chemical industries and so on.

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"The major categories of the mining vibrating screen" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 2049 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 08 March 2013.
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