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Domain Specific Language resources [closed]

Domain Specific Language resources [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.

I was just listening to some older .Net Rocks! episodes, and I found #329 on DSLs to be interesting. My problem is that I can't find any good online resources for people trying to learn this technology. I get the basics of the creating new designers, but the MS docs on the T4 engine used by the DSL tools and then how to integrate the templates with the DSL models are lacking.

Does anyone know of some good introductory resources for the MS DSL tools?"

Asked by: Guest | Views: 242
Total answers/comments: 4
Guest [Entry]

The architects of the DSL Tools team wrote a book, Domain-Specific Development with Visual Studio DSL Tools. The book's website has some other links and resources.
Guest [Entry]

If you are interested in DSLs, Jeff Moser has written some great articles about them (and the 'meta' frame of mind you need) here, here, and here on his blog.
Guest [Entry]

Martin Fowler is currently writing a book on DSL. Here is a presentation he gave on the topic.
Guest [Entry]

For me the best source of T4 examples was this blog.