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“Sex And The City” Delivered The Television Goods For Six Seasons

The show ended on a perfect note, and every character was exactly where they needed to be to bring closure. The movie was a risky move, and certainly took a while to get it together.
Sex and the City wears its obvious purpose on every overpriced designer sleeve featured. Clearly, the cast felt cheated by HBO's residual policy, and pledged to milk this mindless excess for all the paychecks they could collect. The supporting players, included Noth, Eigenberg, and Lewis, are left holding pointless conversations with symbols who only champion their own ill-advised grrrl power. Fans will definitely froth over the chance to see these TV pals parading around the streets of the Big Apple once again. Outside that demo, this will resonate as ridiculous and regressive.

“Sex and the City” delivered the television goods for six seasons, no small thing in the pop culture annals. That should have been enough or at least plenty for all concerned, but Ms. Parker apparently felt compelled to go big screen, making good on a project that had started to come together in 2004, only to fall apart over money issues and Ms. Cattrall’s reluctance to climb aboard. I wish Ms. Parker had let that bee in her bonnet go silent, because the movie that she and Mr. King have come up with is the pits, a vulgar, shrill, deeply shallow — and, at 2 hours and 22 turgid minutes, overlong — addendum to a show that had, over the years, evolved and expanded in surprising ways.

http://www.dvdtopshops.com/en/drama/sex-and-the-city-seasons-1-7-dvd-box-set.html - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"“Sex And The City” Delivered The Television Goods For Six Seasons" was written by Mary under the Arts category. It has been read 1865 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 14 September 2011.
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