When you send money to someone through MLhuillier, you are required to fill-out a Send-out form which also serves as a receipt. You can see this form or receipt in the screenshot below.
Filling out the form is so simple.
You just write your name, mobile phone number and the amount you want to send.
After that, a KPTN ( Kwarta Padala Transaction Number) will be generated. Did you see it in the screenshot above?
MLhuillier KPTN has 18 digits as of this date.
The digits might be increased or combined with letters as the total number of transactions grows.
KPTN is very important for your receiver to receive the money. If the receiver cannot present a KPTN, MLhuillier doesn't allow him/her to receive the money.
So, if you are the receiver of the money, you should immediately take note of the KPTN number.
Do you have any problem with your MLhuillier KPTN (number)? - https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"MLhuillier KPTN - Transaction Number Sample" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 39757 times and generated 34 comments. The article was created on 13 July 2018 and updated on 13 July 2018.