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Palawan Express Text Message Claim

You probably receive a text message claiming to be from Palawan Express or Palawan Pawnshop. This text message might be saying that you are can now claim the money that has been sent to you in Palawan Pawnshop.

And you might not know who he/she is or how much is the money has been sent. To orient yourself from a real text message of Palawan Express, here are real samples of the Palawan Express Text Message Claims:

Palawan Express Text Message Claim

Sample 1:

Mr./Ms PRINCESS MAR, claim your PALAWAN Express TBP-8-93158-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons. Bring ID.

Sample 2:

Mr/Ms BERNARDO, claim your PALAWAN Express DXS-23-70525-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons. Bring ID.

Sample 3:

Mr/Ms NAHIDA, claim your PALAWAN Express CHF-9-33750-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons. Bring ID.


See and identify the pattern of the message. If it doesn't follow the pattern of the message, the message you receive might not be true or genuine.

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"Palawan Express Text Message Claim" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 11651 times and generated 8 comments. The article was created on and updated on 04 April 2021.
Total comments : 8
Unvqtm [Entry]

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Marielle ann [Entry]

Ms MARIELLE ANN, claim your PALAWAN Express ALO-13-24008-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons.Bring ID.
Joseph Padernilla [Entry]

May natanggap akong notice of unclaimed amount with reference code pro di ko alam kung sino ang sender at kung magkano, pwede ko ba malaman kung sino ang sender at kung mgkano ang amount?
Juhaneylyn Bornea [Entry]

Mr/Ms JUHANEYLYN, claim your PALAWAN Express BAB-11-26242-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons.Bring ID.

May i know how much and who is the sender?
Juhaneylyn Bornea [Entry]

yes,and the message is they following the pattern
Mr/Ms JUHANEYLYN, claim your PALAWAN Express BAB-11-26242-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons.Bring ID.
Rogelio Ordonez jr [Entry]

Mr/Ms ROGELIO, claim your PALAWAN Express BCZ-9-59636-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop/Palawan Express/Tambunting/LBC/SM/Robinsons.Bring ID.

May I know how much and who is the sender
Elhadji Bambo gassama [Entry]

Salut Mr on ma envoyé un message que j'ai gagné le loterie sur Facebook mon pays Mauritanie ville nouakchott quartier 1er nord numéro de téléphone +222 38154654 aider moi parce ma mère elle est malade pour acheter des mèdicamen elle actuellement à hôpital aider moi pour acheter les ordonnances
Desarie Espejo [Entry]

Ms DESARIE, your receiver may claim PALAWAN Express ELN-8-61364-ZAW at any Palawan Pawnshop, Palawan Express, Tambunting, LBC & SM Mall. Bring ID.