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The First Convicted Tax Evader in the Philippines - a Network Marketing (MLM) Distributor

"POWER! ...Join the hottest, latest and unique business opportunity today! Become a millionaire in 6 months!. Tested! Proven with results!"
These are the statements that most network marketing (MLM) distributors are usually telling to their recruits. In some instances, some mlm distributors earn a million in just 6 months. They actually become millionaires.

One great example who rise from "rags-to-riches" are husband and wife Benjamin and Gloria Kintanar. Both are top distributors of an MLM company Forever Living Products Philippines, Inc.

But those millions they earned and the properties they bought have sent red flags to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

In 2005, the BIR under its Run After Tax Evaders Program sued Kintanar spouses for tax evasion due to failure to file income tax returns in 2000 and 2001.

It was on year 2009 that the Court of Tax Appeals already convicted Gloria Kintanar for failing to report her income as Forever Living distributor.

Gloria Kintanar
Gloria Kintanar photo

She was regarded as the First-Ever Convicted Tax Evader in the Philippines to be jailed.

On the other hand, Benjamin Kintanar Jr. was also found guilty of tax evasion and sentenced him up to two years in prison in 2010.

In September 27, 2012, Inquirer reported that he filed a petition to undergo probation but The Court of Tax Appeals dismissed it.

The final conviction of Gloria Kintanar on July 1, 2012 can be viewed in the video below:

I have no idea whether the spouses are in jail right now. If you know that they are currently in prison, tell us in the comment below.

First Tax Evader in Philippines

To all top earners of network marketing companies (MLM) in the Philippines, what can you say about this issue?

There are many Filipino MLM'ers out there who earn millions. But why do the Kintanar spouses are the only target of BIR?
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"The First Convicted Tax Evader in the Philippines - a Network Marketing (MLM) Distributor" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 5367 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 24 May 2016.
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