Are you searching for a way to type one fourth, as in ¼ in your computer keyboard? You cannot find ¼ in your keyboard, right?
one-fourth symbol
There are two ways to create a ¼ symbol in your computer.
1. Type 1/4 - one slash four. That is the simplest or easiest way but it consumes bigger character spacing.
2. Hold Alt while pressing 0188. This is a keyboard shortcut and is difficult to remember. The result symbol is ¼.
Alt + 0188 = ¼
For easy reference, just bookmark this page and come back whenever you need to make ¼ in your computer.
Did you successfully create ¼ in your computer? -
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"How to Type or Make One Fourth in a Computer Keyboard" was written by Mary under the Computers, Tricks, Tips category. It has been read 16170 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on 03 December 2012 and updated on 03 December 2012.