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Cebu Pacific Ticket Outlet/Office in Bacolod City | Telephone Number

Cebu Pacific Ticket Outlet/Office in Bacolod City

Name of Ticket Sales Agent
Summit World Bacolod
Office/Store Address
Victoria Arcade Rizal St. Bacolod City, Philippines

Telephone Number/Fax Number
(034) 434-2021 to 23

Email Address

Office/Store Opening Hours

Products/Services Offered
Transportation, Travel, Ticketing agent

Do you have any concern with Cebu Pacific Ticket Outlet/Office in Bacolod City?
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Cebu Pacific Ticket Outlet/Office in Bacolod City | Telephone Number" was written by Mary under the Directory category. It has been read 16960 times and generated 11 comments. The article was created on and updated on 28 February 2013.

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Total comments : 11
Zywhwu [Entry]

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Sierra Mae C. Buenafe [Entry]

I would like to ask if how can I retrieve my cancel flights in cebu pacific?
Norlen Lebrella [Entry]

Hello. I would like to ask if you can still trace my flight record last May of 2014. Please send me a copy. I need it for documentation. Thank you. God Bless and more power to all of you.
anita [Entry]

Hope to avail promo
Rona Valdon [Entry]

I would like to seek your assistance regarding sa itinerary ko. Nagpabook ako last Sept.4,2015 until now wala pang itinerary receipt from cebu pacific already paid in Cebuana Padala. my Booking Reference #050532033233, bacolod-manila oct.31,2015 deprt.time around 7pm, manila-bacolod nov.3 depart.time around 6pm. passenger name Rona Valdon. Please send my itinerary via email, heres my email add: valdon.rona@gmail.com

Thank you and God Bless!!
Merbi Torrevilla [Entry]

I would like to re-schedule my fligt tommorrow,kindly call me at my home number 441-1433 for some details
Arnel Bonavente [Entry]

hi there,what happened to flight dg7085 there was changing again??marina frei
Harvey [Entry]

I already booked in Bravofly. My credit card has been deducted but it didn't successfully booked in Cebu Pacific. Is there something you can do about it?
Carlo Joy Solisa [Entry]

i woulld like to book flight tomorrow morning, if there's available flight.
jennifer tonto [Entry]

i would like to sk if your office here in Bacolod is open today
Ruselle lontoc [Entry]

I would like to follow up our itenerary ticket for booking tom aug 10 sat 5J125
0715am flight. Already paid our ticket theu bdo online banking around 12.15am today. You can call also 09175689868/09258834888