In bankruptcy, you can eliminate your debt by not paying it back, but in exchange you will lose your assets. Obviously, the credit card companies are not prepared to absorb the loss if you declare bankruptcy. They must also survive in the field and therefore must recover their money in some way.
But you can avoid losing your claims by pursuing an alternative method of effective debt relief, such as debt settlement. Debt settlement has been proven to be the best and most effective debt settlement method available, allowing you to simply eliminate your debt without involving your creditors.
There are debt settlement companies that can accomplish this successfully. They possess the ability and authority to negotiate with your creditors and reduce your debt to a certain extent. However, since there are numerous such businesses, they compete with one another to gratify customers.
A reputable and established company is capable of reducing your debt by 50-70 percent of the original amount. This is a tremendous relief for a debtor who is unable to pay off his or her debts. Arrangements can be made to pay the reduced amount in installments, and the credit card company will determine the terms based on your debt and income.
You must, however, choose a legitimate company to complete your project. Otherwise, if you are discovered by a fraudulent company, your situation will worsen because they have neither the capability nor the authority to cancel your debt.""
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