The case may be dismissed if you do not attend the meeting. Consequently, you will be unable to obtain protection from those who possess your debts. Numerous individuals dread this encounter, believing they will be surrounded by creditors who will interrogate them in an attempt to embarrass them. However, this is not the case in the overwhelming majority of situations.
The meeting will be overseen by a trustee who will be designated to your case. Due to the fact that the trustee is not a judge, the meeting is not deemed a court date. In fact, if your bankruptcy attorney follows the correct filing procedures, there is a strong possibility that you will never have to appear in court.
You must have the proper documentation and arrive on time for your scheduled meeting. Your bankruptcy attorney will provide you with specific instructions on what you must bring. The meeting will be conducted in a federal building, so you must pass through security. Therefore, you should arrive approximately 30 minutes early in case the security line is lengthy. Bring valid identification with a photo, such as a driver's license or a passport, and ensure that it is not expired. If so, you will not be permitted to enter the facility. Additionally, you must present your Social Security card. Ensure you have a tax transcript, 1099 statement, or W2 if you do not have one.
You will wait in the meeting room for your bankruptcy attorney to arrive. The trustee will then summon you for an oath and inform you that everything you say will be recorded. If you are filing a Chapter 7 action, you will likely be required to answer queries for approximately five minutes. There are likely to be more inquiries if you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The topics will be rather elementary. The trustee will inquire as to whether you signed the petition, whether you were aware of its contents, whether it is accurate, etc. Almost every query requires a straightforward ""yes"" or ""no"" response.
After the trustee has concluded asking questions, creditors will be permitted to pose their own. However, in the majority of cases, creditors do not even attend these meetings. Typically, they only appear if they believe you have committed an offense.
Your bankruptcy attorney can ensure that you remain composed and as well-prepared as possible throughout the entire process, regardless of whether or not creditors attend.
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