(Picture) A person suffering HIV (AIDS) infection
(photo credit to top-10-list.org)
According to the National Epidemiology Center, their report reveals that HIV, commonly known as auto-immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS, has increased tenfold (10x) in the last four years. In 2006, there are 44 Filipinos who were reported to have been infected by AIDS. In 2010, the number of infected persons grew to 489. The study adds that most of those infected with the deadly disease are between the age of 15 and 24; with considerably more males getting infected.
Considering the estimated total number of 18,460,800 adolescents (Philippine Census) whose age are 15 to 24, this is equivalent to over 19 percent of the total population in the Philippines, if this HIV (AIDS) infection continues to grow at 10x rate, what could be the future of the health of our family?
According to UNICEF’s country manager in the Philippines, Vanessa Tobin, "We cannot be complacent any longer because the rate of HIV cases in the Philippines is increasing at an alarming rate. One-third of new HIV infections are occurring among young people aged 15 to 24". "There is no doubt that HIV + AIDS in the Philippines has an adolescent face,” Tobin added. Adolescence, she explains, is a critically important age. It is during this second decade in a person's life, especially among girls in poor families, that one is more likely to experience exploitation, abuse, early pregnancy and childbirth—a leading cause of death for teenage girls. This is reason UNICEF is investing in educating and training the world’s 1.2 billion adolescents.
The Philippine government and all Filipinos should take action on what necessary measures to be taken in order to decrease or eventually to stop the growth of HIV (AIDS) infections in the Philippines. We cannot disregard to implement sexual education and the passing of RH bill to become law as vital steps in fighting HIV (AIDS) in the Philippines. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/