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Mysterious Email from Human Resources Manager of Paramount Shoppers LLC

Today I receive an email from a person using the name of Brad Kilgore with an email address, paramountsurveys3@yahoo.com. In this email, I was offered a job by this company he described as mysterious. But to my curiosity, I searched the net but found nothing about this company. Below is the full message of his email:

Picture snapshot of the suspected email scam

============ BEGIN

Dear Applicant,

      My name is Brad Kilgore, Human Resources Manager of Paramount Shoppers LLC.  We're a mystery shopping company that conducts secret shopping evaluations throughout the US and Canada . We are looking for 60 qualified shoppers to conduct secret shopping evaluations in the US. We need individuals such as yourself to work about 4hrs a week, performing secret shopping activities. This is a part time job paying between $600-$800 per week.
      Paramount Shoppers LLC is accepting applications for individuals to become Secret shoppers. There is no charge to
    become a shopper. There are many secret shopping companies out there that ask you to pay "a small fee" to become a shopper. Don't do it! At Paramount Shoppers LLC, you will never pay to shop! We pay you!
      The assignment will pay you 120/ evaluation and an avg. of 3 evaluations a week.
    Show ONLY your continued interest by sending me the following...
    Full name(s):
    Full Physical Address:
    City, State and Zip:
    Contact Numbers(CELL** & Home):
    Email addresses(If you use more than 1):
    Current Occupation:
    Last Position Held:
    Human Resources Director
    Brad Kilgore
    Paramount Shoppers LLC

============ END ============

I suspected that this email might be scam. Email scams are always asking for these kind of personal information and contact details to the victims. If you do receive this kind of email, please let us know. Just drop a comment below.

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Mysterious Email from Human Resources Manager of Paramount Shoppers LLC" was written by Mary under the Internet category. It has been read 11230 times and generated 13 comments. The article was created on and updated on 20 March 2011.
Total comments : 13
Kemyuv [Entry]

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Marcy Nickerson [Entry]

I've gotten one from Diana Cadwell as well. Will not be sending any info as I tried to research it and came here.
renee wheeler [Entry]

hello,i received a email yesterday on the same thing,but the person name is Diana Cadwell. I sent in my info on this assuming that it is real but today i saw it is false. the check is coming here and i will take this to my attorney plus the package if i get it.

renee wheeler
Eric [Entry]

I also received this email
i am very suspicious of sending all my personal info to them, but i am looking for a job so please help
should i do it?:

Dear Applicant,

My name is Trevor Williams, Human Resources Manager of Paramount Shoppers LLC. We're a mystery shopping company that conducts secret shopping evaluations throughout the US and Canada . We are looking for 60 qualified shoppers to conduct secret shopping evaluations in the US. We need individuals such as yourself to work about 4hrs a week, performing secret shopping activities. This is a part time job paying between $600-$800 per week.

Paramount Shoppers LLC is accepting applications for individuals to become Secret shoppers. There is no charge to become a shopper. There are many secret shopping companies out there that ask you to pay "a small fee" to become a shopper. Don't do it! At Paramount Shoppers LLC, you will never pay to shop! We pay you!

The assignment will pay you a minimum of 200Per evaluation and an avg. of 3 evaluations a week.

Show ONLY your continued interest by sending me the following...

*Full name(s):
*Full Physical Address:
*City, State and Zip:
*Contact Numbers(CELL** & Home):
*Email addresses(If you use more than 1):
*Current Occupation:
*Last Position Held:
*Have You Ever Done A Job Like This Before :

Human Resources Director
Trevor Williams
Paramount Shoppers LLC

Guest [Entry]

Eric, Don't be deceived by too-good-to-be-true offers. Paramount Shoppers LLC is said to be a scam.
KC [Entry]

I also received an email and decided to do my research first.

Like many of you I was looking for an income making opportunity, something that I could do from my home in my spare time. I have found a great opportunity that I would like to share with you. You can visit my website for more details and also call me for more information.




lacey [Entry]

well. the money orders came via USPS, they are USPS money orders. with them i received an "evaluation form". i emailed mr kilgore and told him i got the information what do i do next. he sent this in response.

Just two places, please read slowly and try to understand...


Funds for your first assignment is scheduled to deliver today. You will be receiving 2 money orders, they will cover evaluation pay, transport and also provide evaluation funds for the two businesses being visited. When you do receive the financial instrument, to begin you will need to cash the money orders. You will be provided with cash instantly..

After cashing, deduct evaluation costs as enumerated below....

The total deductions will come to

Your pay for survey : $ 120.00
Transportation allowance : $ 30.00

Your Pay for survey : $ 120.00
Items to be purchased : $ 50.00
Transportation allowance : $ 30.00
Total Deductions = $ 350.00

In summary, cash the money orders. After cashing, deduct $350 from the total amount The balance after your deductions is what you will be evaluating western union with. You will use their Money Transfer service.

These questions will serve as a questionnaire for your survey of Walmart and Western Union.

You will be very attentive to the following things. Evaluate both businesses based on these questions.

1) The exact address and location of the store evaluated
2) The name of the cashier that attended to you.
3) Your time of arrival at the venue.
4) Your time of departure.
5) How long the transaction took?
6) Any other area you think Walmart/Western Union should improve on?
7) The General Sanitation level?
8) How clean was the rest room?
9) Would you return to that particular store?
10) What you feel about the customer service?
11) How would you rate the overall experience on a scale of 1-10?
12) How tedious was the checkout process?

You will evaluate Walmart by making any purchase of your choice of below or up to 50USD but no more while taking into consideration the questions below. Whatever you buy is yours for keeps.

You will evaluate western union by utilizing their money in minutes wire transfer service. You will wire the funds to the details below.

City: CEBU
Zip: 4200


Once the evaluation of western union is complete and the money's sent. Please send me the following info, along with your reports of both evaluations...

A. Your full names and address exactly how you wrote it on the Western Union slip.
B. The receiver's name exactly how you penned it down on the Western Union slip.
C. The total amount sent (Amount receivable by the receiver).
D. MONEY TRANSFER CONTROL NUMBER MTCN. (This is the 10 digit number for receiving funds,it is not the receipt number)

Remember, you're a mystery shopper. You are EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN to disclose this information to anyone, related to the evaluated business (In store or out of the store).

it didnt ask me to deposit the money orders, just cash them.

Guest [Entry]

lacey, thanks for the details. I understand your queries. I advise you not to send money to them. Normally, most assignments from mystery shopping companies will pay you $10 to $35. But this company "Paramount Shoppers LLC" company offers more than that ($120 per evaluation). It's a too good to be true offer, a SCAM!

You should return the money orders to the post office and let them take care of it.

Don't be easily deceived by the offer. It's surely a scam.

You should never accept large amount of checks from mystery shopping companies. Never send any money and you'll be ok.

lacey [Entry]

yeah. i got two money orders from them. when i received the instruction email with what to do with them...i got a little uneasy. they want me to transfer money to the philippines....kinda sketch for me. should i return the money orders to the post office?
Guest [Entry]

lacey, could you tell us how did you receive the check? what did you do with the job offer? please tell us further details.
lacey [Entry]

i received the same email and have received the checks....what do i do? i know i should have looked into them further X|
Guest [Entry]

lacey, what do you mean checks? do you mean money that you receive from them?
Marie Natoli [Entry]

I received such an e-mail.

I intentionally completed the information because there was nothing requested (at this point)
that was harmful (no request for date of birth; SS#, mother's maiden name). I wanted to see what came next.
I signed it with a couple of my degrees following my name (Ph.D., JD) to see if the JD got any attention.
I received a boilerplate response today, congrulating me (of course!) on having been accepted. Much of the rest of the e-mail was double-talk, making no sense.