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What Is The Meaning Of LF? (Answers) MEANING OF LF – Throughout the vast internet, especially if you’re in the business of buy and sell,

What Is The Meaning Of LF? (Answers)

MEANING OF LF – Throughout the vast internet, especially if you’re in the business of buy and sell, you’d probably met “LF”.The term “LF” simply means “Looking For”. Generally, you’d see this in buy and sell groups on Facebook or other social media platforms if a person is looking to buy something.

However, the definition of LF could be anything depending on the context. For example, when it comes to engineering, LF could mean “Low Frequency” or frequencies between 30-300 kHz.

Meanwhile, in an industrial context, this could mean Line Feed. Furthermore, if you’re in the military, LF could be Lebanese Forces.

However, you would mostly see “LF” used when you’re looking for something. Obviously, this also means that you are willing to buy that item.

Furthermore, it doesn’t only apply to buying and selling of goods. It could also be used when looking for a service, be it in real life or sometimes online.

Scrolling through gaming forums, you could also see “LF” being posted by players who are looking for specific people to help them with their games.

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"What Is The Meaning Of LF? (Answers) MEANING OF LF – Throughout the vast internet, especially if you’re in the business of buy and sell," was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 3234 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 September 2021.
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