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Free Repair of Nokia Cellphone

Do you have problems with your Nokia cellphone? You should be enjoying the "Nokia 12-month warranty" in which you can avail free repair or services of your Nokia cellphone from a Nokia Care Center.
During the warranty period, as the owner of the Nokia cellphone, you have the right to avail free replacement and repair if any factory-defects has been detected in your cellphone.

How to get free repair during the warranty period

You must go to a Nokia Care Center and present the following:
  1. the damaged Nokia cellphone or any part/accessories
  2. receipt or original proof of purchase
It is not covered in the warranty if your cellphone is damage brought by mishandling.

Do you want to avail the free repair of your Nokia Cellphone?
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Free Repair of Nokia Cellphone" was written by Mary under the Mobile Phones category. It has been read 2037 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 28 June 2012.
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