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This Chrome feature will make it easier for you to search through history and bookmarks

This Chrome feature will make it easier for you to search through history and bookmarks
Google is reportedly working to roll out a new Chrome feature that will make it easier for users to search through browsing history and bookmarks. As per a report by Chrome Story, the tech giant has added a new experimental flag to the Chromium repository. The report further reveals that the “Omnibox Site Search Starter Pack” flag will allow users to search for a specific link or page with the help of special tags.According to the report, the flag enables support for search keywords such as @settings, @bookmarks and @history. These tags will allow you to search through the history, bookmarks and settings right through Chrome's Omnibox. Currently users can use the Omnibox to search history, bookmarks and settings by navigating to chrome://history, chrome://settings, and chrome://bookmarks. However, with the new @tags, the search reportedly becomes powerful and focused. The report has also mentioned that the feature is not live in the latest Chrome beta or Canary versions and the tech giant has shared no official information about the rollout of any such feature.This week Google has started to roll out a new update for the Chrome browser. The update brings the version of the browser up to 97.0.4692.99. The company has announced that the update will be available for users of Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. The tech giant has also revealed that the update comes with 26 security fixes. One of these fixes has been market critical by the company and user’s are advised to update their browser right now.Follow Gadgets Now on  Facebook  and  Twitter.   For the  latest news,   tech news,   breaking news headlines and live updates checkout Gadgetsnow.comGN Awards - Vote for your favourite GadgetsFacebookTwitterLinkedinAdd commentStart a ConversationAll Comments (0)+0/3000Be the first one to comment.{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"NewsArticle","inLanguage":"en","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/this-chrome-feature-will-make-it-easier-for-you-to-search-through-history-and-bookmarks/articleshow/89040991.cms","url":"https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/this-chrome-feature-will-make-it-easier-for-you-to-search-through-history-and-bookmarks/articleshow/89040991.cms"},"headline":"This Chrome feature will make it easier for you to search through history and bookmarks","description":"Google is reportedly working to roll out a new Chrome feature that will make it easier for users to search through browsing history and bookmarks. As per a report by Chrome Story, the tech giant has added a new experimental flag to the Chromium repository. The report further reveals that the “Omnibox Site Search Starter Pack” flag will allow users to search for a specific link or page with the help of special tags.According to the report, the flag enables support for search keywords such as @set...","keywords":"Google Chrome browser,Chrome update,Search history,chrome,google","datePublished":"2022-01-21T17:22:00+05:30","dateModified":"2022-01-21T17:22:00+05:30","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/resizemode-4,msid-89040991,width-1200,height-900/89040991.jpg","height":900,"width":1200},"author":{"@type":"Thing","name":"TIMESOFINDIA.COM"},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Gadgets Now","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://static.toiimg.com/photo/88204186.cms","width":600,"height":60}},"articleBody":"Google is reportedly working to roll out a new Chrome feature that will make it easier for users to search through browsing history and bookmarks. As per a report by Chrome Story, the tech giant has added a new experimental flag to the Chromium repository. The report further reveals that the “Omnibox Site Search Starter Pack” flag will allow users to search for a specific link or page with the help of special tags.According to the report, the flag enables support for search keywords such as @settings, @bookmarks and @history. These tags will allow you to search through the history, bookmarks and settings right through Chrome's Omnibox. Currently users can use the Omnibox to search history, bookmarks and settings by navigating to chrome://history, chrome://settings, and chrome://bookmarks. However, with the new @tags, the search reportedly becomes powerful and focused. The report has also mentioned that the feature is not live in the latest Chrome beta or Canary versions and the tech giant has shared no official information about the rollout of any such feature.This week Google has started to roll out a new update for the Chrome browser. The update brings the version of the browser up to 97.0.4692.99. The company has announced that the update will be available for users of Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. The tech giant has also revealed that the update comes with 26 security fixes. One of these fixes has been market critical by the company and user’s are advised to update their browser right now."} - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"This Chrome feature will make it easier for you to search through history and bookmarks" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 687 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 26 January 2022.
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