A registration fee of Six Thousand Pesos (PhP6,000.00) will be charged to each local participant and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) to each international participant.
For those interested to present papers, the deadline for the submission of abstracts via email (ncpagat60 ayahoo.com) is on November 2011. The notification of acceptance will be sent by January 31, 2012. The full papers are due on April 30, 2012.
The UP-NCPAG will be unable to fund transportation expenses and daily allowances for paper presenters and participants. The Organizing Committee has negotiated with the EDSA Shagri-La Hotel for a discounted rate of Six Thousand Five Pesos (PhP6,500.00)/Seven Thousand Two Hundred Pesos (PhP72,00.00) for single/double accommodation.
The participants may directly contact the hotel about their flight details. Other hotels that are near the conference venue are The Linden Suites, Discovery Suites, The Malayan Plaza and Richmonde Hotel.
For more information, visit the following: Dr. Edna Estifania A. Co, Dean and Professor, and Over-all Chair; Dr. Danilo R. Reyes, Professor and Chairperson; and Atty. Mark Anthony M. Gamboa, Assistant Professor and Secretary-General at UP¬NCPAG, Raul P. de Guzman Street, Diliman, Quezon City; or contact them at telephone no.: (02) 928-3861; telefax no.: (02) 926-1432; or send them a message through e-mail address: ncpagat60P,yahoo.com or visit website: www.up-ncpag.org.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/