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7th National Educators Convention of The Association of Science Educators in the Philippines (ASEP)

The Association of Science Educators in the Philippines (ASEP) will conduct its 7th National Educators Convention with the theme Science and Technology Advancement: Enhancing Quality of Life of Educators Through Invention and Research from April 29 to May 1, 2013 at the Teachers Camp, Baguio City.
The Convention aims to:
  1. enhance the participants’ skills in managing quality instruction, invention and research;
  2. develop instructional materials needed in the classroom for educators;
  3. enrich the curriculum for the in-service in content and teaching strategies;
  4. enhance values formation and personality development of educators; and
  5. review the performance evaluation and analysis of learning outcomes for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
The target participants to this activity are assistant chiefs, education program supervisors I and II, district supervisors, principals, school heads, Science, English, Mathematics, Research, Filipino, Guidance, Values, Social Studies and MAPEH teachers, coordinators, advisers, master teachers and key teachers from both public and private elementary and secondary schools.

Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no-disruption-of-classes policy as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith.

More information may be inquired from any of the following:

Dr. Fruit R. Godoy
President, Association of Science Educators in the Philippines (ASEP)

Dr. Aurora A. Franco
Vice-President, ASEP
Rizal Provincial Capitol Compound, Pasig City
Mobile Phone No.: 0920-763-2836

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"7th National Educators Convention of The Association of Science Educators in the Philippines (ASEP)" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 2114 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 11 April 2013.
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