It is, then, partly the job of the SEO agency to divine what’s really hot, instead of what is only a flash in the pan – and to put measures in place to train clients in its use. A social media platform is clearly the biggest example of this – social media started in earnest less than a decade ago, yet it has already changed the world.
Businesses really don’t like things that remove barriers between themselves and their customers. The simplest example of this lies in pricing and discount structures – which are now technically available to anyone with some internet savvy and a little bit of time to do his or her research. Thanks to social media, this kind of information can then be disseminated to huge numbers of people very quickly – meaning it’s technically much harder for a company to charge over the odds for a product or a range of products.
The SEO agency probably finds it easier to use examples like these to start persuading companies that they need a presence in the technology too. When social media is populated only by consumers, there’s no business control. Reputations are won and lost without any intervention on the part of the company whose name is at stake.
It has traditionally been this power of social media to disseminate rumour and bad feeling like wildfire, which has stopped businesses from actively engaging with it. Bad publicity, in the case of social media, really is bad publicity – or at least that was the received wisdom amongst MDs and CEOs. If you make a customer service error and 10 minutes later it’s all over your Facebook page – well that’s hardly likely to increase consumer confidence.
Or so they thought. One of the major roles played by the SEO agency in developing a social media platform is in the planning stage – where the MD has to be convinced that the platform is a good idea in the first place. This is normally done by example, showing highly placed decision makers within companies that they can actually improve their reputation by engaging with upset customers publically, through the social media forum.
So what does all this have to do with SEO? Search engine optimisation (to give its full title) is the practice by which a web page is repeatedly returned highly in the SERPS (search engine results pages) after a search term has been entered. And search engines, these days, give a lot of credence to the social media.
In order to understand the role of the SEO agency in any area of a company’s web presence, it is necessary to first understand how search engines work. In other words – what they do and why.
Google and its cohorts are constantly striving to return results that are more "human” – that is, to return a list of pages that are genuinely relevant to the intent of the person doing the searching. One way to do this is to track social media chatter and incorporate it into the general indexing of different pages. -