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Essay on Role of Local Government in COVID-19 Fight LOCAL GOVERNMENT – Here is an opinionated essay on whether or not the LGU is doing it

Essay on Role of Local Government in COVID-19 Fight

LOCAL GOVERNMENT – Here is an opinionated essay on whether or not the LGU is doing its job in lowering the cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines.More than 200 countries and territories across the globe have recorded cases of COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) which declared it as a pandemic was even alarmed by how fast the disease has spread.

The said new coronavirus disease was first recorded in China last December 2019. Starting January 2020, several other countries outside China confirmed cases of the said disease.The Philippines is one of the countries that is currently battling against the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 300,000 cases of the disease was recorded in the country.

PHOTO: TrialSite News

In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the national government has issued nationwide protocols. The local government units (LGUs) also came up with measures aside from those issued by the national government.

Most LGUs are also doing their part in lowering the cases of COVID-19 in the country. They prepared quarantine facilities, imposed curfew hours, and facilitated the return of OFWs and locally stranded individuals.

Also, several local governments made sure their citizens get aid from the government amid the COVID-19 crisis. They provide relief foods, cash incentives, and other means of helping the Filipino households.

Truths be told that there are complains against certain LGUs. Meanwhile, let us not forget that there are still those that do their part most especially their best in fighting the spread of COVID-19.

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"Essay on Role of Local Government in COVID-19 Fight LOCAL GOVERNMENT – Here is an opinionated essay on whether or not the LGU is doing it" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 858 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 September 2021.
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