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Annual Students' Independent (Sindi-Film) Awards

The Sectoral Anti-Poverty (SAP) Movement Philippines, Inc., in cooperation with the Department of Education (DepEd) through the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), the National Youth Commission (NYC), the Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Pinoy Foundation (YPF), the UP Film Institute (UPFI), the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, the Film Academy of the Philippines (FAP), the Innovative Management and Communications Network (IMCN), the TATS Entertainment Production, and the Filipino Movie-Workers Films, Inc. is launching the Annual Sindi-Film Awards. This is a search for best students' independent films and film makers from the secondary schools which painstakingly devoted their time, energies and talents to contribute positive messages highlighting good Filipino values and traits.
The competition aims to:
  1. serve as a nationwide search for outstanding secondary school students with the talent for filmmaking; and
  2. lay the groundwork for the introduction and institutionalization of formal filmmaking subjects in all of the country's high schools catering to students with the aptitude and inclination for filmmaking as a productive endeavor for creative individuals.
The search is open to students in media arts from the schools offering the Special Program in the Arts (SPA). Students from both public and private secondary schools nationwide are encouraged to participate in the said competition.

The competition will have the following levels: (a) school district level; (b) city/provincial schools level; (c) regional level; and (d) national/grand finals level.

Each of the qualified films with a maximum running time of fifteen (15) minutes and with no copyrighted music can have any of the following standard genres: (a) short fiction; (b) documentary short subject; and (c) animation or experimental. Artistic excellence governs the general criteria for choosing the winners.

Starting September 19, 2011 onwards, the following activities shall be undertaken:
  1. The students shall submit their respective finished films in DVD format to their school along with the accomplished entry forms. Each school convening a panel of qualified judges will choose one (1) entry genre to compete in the school district level;
  2. Judging from among the submitted entries from the different schools under a particular school district jurisdiction, each school district will choose a winner for each genre to represent it in the city/provincial schools division level of competition;
  3. The winners for each genre in the city/provincial schools division level of the competition will qualify for the regional level; and
  4. The winners in turn for the regional level of the competition covering all of the country's seventeen (17) regions shall serve as the finalists for the Annual Sindi-Film Awards. From these films, the grand winner for each genre shall be chosen by the national panel of film experts.
The finalists and the grand winners wi11 receive the following prizes:
trophy, PhP5,000.00 cash, certificate, film scholarship from the FAP through Film Gym, free vacation showcase

Grand winners
trophy, PhP15,000.00 cash, certificate, film scholarship from the FAP through Film Gym, video-camera, free vacation showcase and a college scholarships in pursuit of a film degree
All regional directors (RDs) and schools division/city superintendents (SDSs) are encouraged to provide full support to this undertaking by conducting an intensified information-dissemination drive in their respective jurisdictions and by designating regional/division Sindi-Film coordinators to coordinate, monitor and report the implementation of this activity. The list of regional and division coordinators shall be submitted to the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.

For reference, enclosed are the following documents:
Enclosure No. 1 - Competition Mechanics
Enclosure No. 2 - Schedule of Activities
Enclosure No. 3 - Entry Submission Form

For more information, please contact the Sindi-Film, No. 45 Malingap St., Teachers Village East, Diliman, Quezon City at telephone nos.: (02) 986-2102; (02) 921-3611, mobile phone no.: 0910-427-7433 or send a message through e-mail address: sectoralantipovertymovement@gmail. com.


The competition seeks to achieve manifold goals. It serves as a nationwide search for outstanding secondary-school students with the talent for filmmaking. It aims to lay the groundwork for the introduction and institutionalization of formal filmmaking subjects in all of the country's high schools catering to students with the aptitude and inclination for filmmaking as a productive endeavor for creative individuals.

Artistic excellence governs the general criteria for choosing the winners.

Qualified films each with a maximum running time of 1S minutes and with no copyrighted music can have any of the standard genres, namely, short fiction; documentary short subject; animation, or experimental.

The Annual Slndi-Film Awards shall have the following levels of competition: (a) school district level; (b) division of city/provincial schools level; (c) regional level; and (d) national/grand finals level. A panel of qualified judges shall be formed accordingly for each level of the competition involving each school district, each division of city/provincial schools and each region.

The Department of Education (DepEd) through channels shall call on all interested students from all of the country's secondary schools both public and private to submit their respective entries on or before a set deadline. Deadline is set two to three months from the time the competition is announced to allow sufficient filming time for participants.
Students shall submit their respective finished films in dvd format to their schools along with the accomplished entry forms. Each school convening a panel of qualified judges would choose one entry for each genre to compete in the school-district level.

Judging from the submissions from the different schools under a particular school district's jurisdiction, each school district would choose a winner for each genre to represent it in the division of city/provincial schools level of the competition.

Winners respectively for each genre in the division of city/provincial schools level of the competition qualify for the regional level of the competition.

Winners in turn for the regional level of the competition covering all of the country's 15 regions shall serve as the finalists for the Slndi-Film Awards. From these films, grand winners for each genre shall be chosen by a national panel of film experts and creatives.

Each region shall have four film-finalists for all genre, or sixty (60) national finalists from the country's 15 regions. These film-finalists shall be submitted to the Annual Slndi-Film Awards Secretariat at the address located at the bottom. Films are compiled and produced into dvd copies by the SAP Movement Philippines that to be distributed to respective school-finalists. Each 60 finalists shall distribute at least 3,000 dvd copies to their respective schools and/or regions for the promotion of film-entries. Portion of the dvd sales shall be donated to respective students' organizations as `Trust Fund" to finance their future film making activities.

Prizes of each finalist shall include a trophy, certificate, P5,000 cash, and a free vacation showcase. While grand winners each will receive a trophy, certificate, P15,000 cash, video-camera, free vacation showcase and a college scholarship in pursuit of a film degree.

The designated secretariat for the Slndi Film Awards shall have copies of all films entered in the competition and reserve the right to screen them in any occasion and manner they are deemed fit consistent with the goals and objectives of the competition.


September 19, 2011
Formal Opening
Pre-registration & submission of Entry Forms together with terms & conditions

Film Making Activity

Acceptance of Film Entries
December 31, 2011
Deadline of Submission of Film Entries
January 1 to 31, 2012
Selection of qualified entries

Announcement 60 National Finalists
February to March 2012
Compilation of 60 film-finalists and production into dvd copies

Distribution of dvd copies to all school-finalists

Convening of selected qualified panel of judges
April 22, 2012
Selection of winners

Film Festival/Awarding of Winners

Download Students' Independent (Sindi-Film) Submission Entry Form
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Annual Students' Independent (Sindi-Film) Awards" was written by Mary under the Showbiz category. It has been read 3598 times and generated 5 comments. The article was created on and updated on 26 September 2011.
Total comments : 5
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justin tubao [Entry]

Is there a SINDI 2013?
maloy amaro [Entry]

Is it ok to ask for criteria so we can be more guided?
Aira Calina [Entry]

Just wanted to ask if we have to go through some pre-stuff before being allowed to submit the film entries? Thank you.
John Lerrie Villaflores [Entry]

Is it also open for youth who are willing to have an entry for that film festival?
Hope to hear from you soon.