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How to Connect a Bluetooth Speaker to a Computer or Laptop

How to Connect a Bluetooth Speaker to a Computer or Laptop
"""Bluetooth speakers are portable electronic devices that stream and play music or audio from your computer or mobile phone without the need for cables or wires. A Bluetooth speaker must first be connected to your computer or mobile device before it can function. So, in Windows 10, how do you connect a Bluetooth speaker to your computer or laptop? ezslot_4,183,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-3-0');
A Bluetooth speaker is superior to a standard computer speaker in many ways. The portability is one. Because there are no wires in it, your Bluetooth speaker can be carried anywhere. Flexibility is yet another benefit. Any device that supports Bluetooth can be used with Bluetooth speakers. To make your Bluetooth speaker work with your computer or mobile phone, you don't need any special drivers or adapters.
You can use a Bluetooth dongle or adapter to enable this feature on a laptop or desktop computer that does not support Bluetooth, particularly if it is an older model. To add Bluetooth to your device, you can connect a Bluetooth dongle, a plug-and-play device, to the USB port of your computer. ,'_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',191,,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-3-0');
How to Connect a Bluetooth Speaker to a Computer or Laptop in Windows 10 The following steps will show you how to connect your Bluetooth speaker to a computer or laptop.
To begin, navigate to the bottom-left corner of the screen and click the Windows Start button. Tap the Windows logo key as well.

After that, select the Settings option.
Alternatively, you can quickly access Windows Settings by using the keyboard shortcut Windows + I (press the Windows logo key simultaneously with the letter ""I""). 300,250],'_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',192,,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-4-0');

Click Devices in Windows' Settings menu.

The ""Bluetooth and other devices"" screen is where you are currently. Check to see that Bluetooth is turned on and that your laptop or computer can be found.
Simply select ""Add Bluetooth or another device.""

The dialog labeled ""Add a device"" will open.
Choose the kind of device you want to include. Select ""Bluetooth"" in this instance.
If an error message appears, it may indicate that Bluetooth is not supported on your computer or laptop. To enable Bluetooth on your device, you can use a USB Bluetooth dongle or adapter.

If you haven't already, turn on your Bluetooth speaker. It will appear in the devices list. '_com-box-4','ezslot_7',193,,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-4-0');
Also, check to see if your Bluetooth speaker can be found. When powered on, most Bluetooth speakers can be found automatically; however, for some speakers, you may need to press a button with a Bluetooth symbol on it.
Click on the name of your Bluetooth speaker to select it.

The Bluetooth speaker will connect to your computer or laptop after a while.
When the message ""Your device is ready to go!"" appears, the connection is successful. is revealed. The successful connection may also be announced by your Bluetooth speaker.
To conclude the dialog, select ""Done.""

In the list of connected devices, you can now see the name of your Bluetooth speaker. 300,250], ""_com-banner-1,"");
Select ""Disconnect"" or ""Remove Device"" by clicking on the device's name on your computer or laptop.

Congratulations! Your Bluetooth speaker has been successfully connected to your computer or laptop. You can now begin streaming music to your Bluetooth speaker from your computer.
This procedure need not be repeated each time you turn on your Bluetooth speaker. It will connect to your laptop or computer and detect it automatically.
Have a Need?
You just discovered how simple it is to connect your Bluetooth speaker to a computer or laptop. You can get assistance from the manufacturer or the user manual if your Bluetooth speaker continues to malfunction.
Tags: laptopsWindows""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Connect a Bluetooth Speaker to a Computer or Laptop" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 459 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 February 2023.
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