1. Historical lows: How low will interest rates fall? Many people thought we had reached the lowest rates in the past year or two, only to find that they actually fell farther! Even though these are record lows, how much lower can they go? We watch the effects of mortgage interest rates, which have never been lower in recent memory. In terms of housing, it means that a buyer can get more house for his money by making modest monthly payments, etc. Additionally, it means that people are more likely to be approved for larger loans because their monthly expenses represent a lesser proportion of their total income, etc. A lot of factors, including the fact that it is the only game in town, contribute significantly to the increasing stock market when banks offer such low interest rates and bonds pay such low dividends. However, because they continue to charge high rates on credit cards and other unsecured consumer loans, banks and lenders also make significant profits. Because lease rates, but also automobile loans, become more appealing, it benefits auto dealers.
2. Do rates fluctuate historically? Will they comply this time around? Reviewing historical trends reveals that rates change over time. Will this happen again, and if so, when, given that they appear to have done it in the past? Will the record-high budget deficit in the United States make this time last longer or shorten it?
3. The relationship between rates and stocks: When rates are low, using bank vehicles, bonds, bills, etc., lose much of their appeal because they might not even keep up with inflation over the long run! Due to the fact that so many people borrow money at low interest rates and invest it in stocks, the stock market typically reaps the rewards. It also becomes the only game in town.
4. If this keeps happening, what new or upcoming incentives will the Federal Reserve use? stimulus: Lower interest rates have historically been employed by the Federal Reserve to encourage consumption and/or investment. What kind of weaponry, resources, etc. will there be if this becomes the New Normal?
Will this evolve into the New Normal or will it only be a passing cycle? The best course of action is to comprehend the effects and be ready!""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/